History, Science and Technology of South Asian Ceramics – The Proceedings of the Third International Conference in Commemoration of Iravatham Mahadevan 2024 (3)

History, Science and Technology of South Asian Ceramics – The Proceedings of the Third International Conference in Commemoration of Iravatham Mahadevan 2024 (3)

07.01.2024, Sunday

Museum (DakshinaChitra Heritage) and Field (Mamallapuram [Mahabalipuram]) Visits

08.30 AM Tour starts from IIT Madras

10.00 AM Arrival at Dakshina Chitra  – Traditional welcome and briefing

10.30-12.30 Noon Museum tour

12.30-1.00 PM Heritage Museum Bazaar

1.00-1.30 PM Lunch in Kanali Hall

1.30 PM Departure from Dakshina Chitra

2.30 PM Arrival at Mamallapuram

2.30-3.00 PM Welcome Refreshment

3.00-6.00 PM Guided Tour of Mamallapuram – Dr. Dayalan Duraiswamy

6.00-7.00 PM Sunset at the beach

7.00-8.00 PM Dinner at Tamil Nadu State Tourism Hotel

8.00 PM Depart from Mamallapuram

9.30 PM Arrival at IIT Madras

© K. V. Ramakrishna Rao


The proceedings of the 81st session of the Indian History Congress held at Chennai from December 27th to 29th , 2022 – academic proceedings, paper reading, presentation and publication (5)

The proceedings of the 81st session of the Indian History Congress held at Chennai from December 27th to 29th , 2022 – academic proceedings, paper reading, presentation and publication (5)

The obsession, hype, or craze for paper presentation at IHC and the standard: Every year, it is constantly claimed by the IHC authorities through their reports, news appearing in the media and the business session details that more than 1000, 1500 0r 2000 papers are received on various themes and topics and they are collected[1]. Ten years means 10,000 to 20,000 papers, thus, the volume of such papers collected can be noted. Paper reading, presentation and publication has become some sort of ISI trade mark or ISO 90021 certification. Thus, young history students, research scholars and even professors of all sorts come here to present papers. They (papers submitted) are sorted out, separated and classified for different topics. Now, just 81st session has been over. Thus, for more than 50 years period, e.g., about one lakh – 1,00,000 and for 80 years, much more papers must have been received. But, none bothers or thinks about, how these papers are disposed off.

What happens to the rejected papers, how they are disposed off?: The paper preparing persons – whether students, researchers, professors, experts or otherwise, are definitely, the genuine ones spend a lot of time, energy and money to bring out their papers. Spending thousands of rupees, they are reaching the venue travelling hundreds and thousands of kms distance. And the papers are brought to the conference to present with the hope that they would be published. Many well-researched, presented with PPT and illustrations are ignored, though, they are appreciated by others[2] after the presentation at the section. But, only a few privileged ones are getting their wishes fulfilled, i.e, their papers are getting published and others are rejected – not published. So where such rejected papers have been going? Every sectional president has been getting a copy and thus, during the last 81 years, nearly or at least 300 such persons [sectional presidents] would have received thousands /lakhs of papers. The IHC editor would have received all the copies for every session. Are they kept in the permanent IHC office, store room or record room? Or are they distributed among their students for reference?

How they could have been used by others?: Thus, these papers would have gone to the respective Universities, colleges and institutions and in turn given to their students for usage. Any MPhil, or PhD student can easily use such materials as received on the platter. Thus, such a condition is sad, pathetic and horrible, as the hard work, industrious research and studious labour are to be enjoyed by others. This is unjustifiable and looting the work of others, when these ideologists go on insisting about oppression, suppression and exploitation of so many people, social groups, working classes etc., this can be noted as academic looting,  research pillaging and scholarly prowling.

Are every time new papers presented?: Even the printed volumes of the IHC can be used for such purpose of the critical study of the organizers and their way of bias adopted and adapted in selecting, rejecting, editing and recommendation of papers for publication. Thus a person who regularly attends fo 10, 20, 30, 40 years can easily identify, which paper is read where on / which topic or title and by whom and where also. Thus, he can get the feeling that this is already there or red or published. If he attends IHC, SIHC, APHC, UPHC, PHC, OHC, APHC, THC, TNHC, KHC (Karnataka), KHC (Kerala) etc.[3], he can still easily point out and identify that the same paper or of such nature are read and presented again and again by the same person or by some other.

What are topics, themes and thesis are taken up and dealt with?: Going through the papers presented, read and published, they are grouped as follows:

social conflicts, communal issues, community consciousness

  • struggle, social struggle, societal conflicts, class struggle,
  • majority, majority politics, majoritarianism, minority, vote banks, politics thereof
  • Muslim women’s rights, Shariat law, court cases
  • Masjid-mandir issue, the historicity of Ayodhya, and related issues,
  • community, class, violence, mob violence,
  • left alternative, communist model, Marxist methodology, Leninist option, Maoist substitution,
  • Dalit, oppressed, suppressed, exploited, migration, social mobility,
  • ambiguities, contradictions,
  • marginalization, exclusion, deprivation
  • sectarian, sectarian affiliation, lumpen elements,
  • Hindu-Muslim, colonial exploitation, riots,
  • Cow, beef, beef-eating, vegetarianism, related politicized issues
  • Mughal-Muslim, feudalism,
  • Democracy, authoritarianism,
  • socialistic, secular, communal
  • Vimochana samaran,  communist movements, Marxist interpretation, working class,

These are given only for illustrative purposes and not exhaustive. The published proceeding volumes may be referred to.

What is the logical, rational and reasonable balance used in the selection of the papers?: If a regular attendee of IHC and listener to the paper presentation and reading can easily understand how themes, issues and topics are selected, repeated and even forced to thrust on others. The same, similar or modified narratives, discourses and plots are recurring and replicated. They can be matched easily with the printed volumes of the IHC. A careful reader of the volumes could easily identify such sermons, ideologized and pushed to the members. Even the sectional presidents of the past and present choose to repeat their already published matter by changing and modification. If the period is 1500-1700 has already been selected and printed, then, 1500-1550, 1550-1600, 1650-1700 are taken and such split is exploited with the change of titles and contexts to have a new-look.

  • Paper presentation + reading = publication
  • Publication – printed or on-line versions [of late]
  • Such printed + on-line versions changed or modified
  • Modified – again presented or changed as “new-looks”
  • They are again redressed and presented as sectional president addresses
  • They ae changed to be presented for panel discussion

If any publisher is found, negotiated and settled, they are completed and brought out as books.

Now new standards have been declared: Now the General Secretary declares[4], “Due to constraints of space, summaries have not been published over the past several years. Since 2016, the list of papers presented has also been omitted, as all papers presenters are awarded certificates at the session itself.”

  1. Due to constraints of space, summaries have not been published over the past several years. See the volume, the size no. of pages and weight also has been increasing. For the first time, perhaps, here, all the volumes were disposed off quickly, as they were given free.
  2. Since 2016, the list of papers presented has also been omitted: the expression “omitted” proves the mentality of “rejection.” They cannot “misplace, mislay, or go astray” to do so. It is not a great achievement of the IHC, or editor or whosoever took such fantastic “omission”!
  3. The such omission has been due to the reason – as all papers presenters are awarded certificates at the session itself: So the “fantastic omission,” goes on to justify this. So spend Rs 5000/- or more, just come and read paper within two or three or five minutes get a “certificate” and forget! Is it okay, logical, rational, scientific, secular or what is that?

So if this policy is pursued, they should return the papers with whatever reason to the paper submitters, as they have all details.

Now data and information can be processed not only for plagiarism and even for other purposes: If every time some new data, information, materials, field visit details are given to bring out new result, then, it can be considered as new paper. Systematic, in fact, ongoing research, as he gets new details and results, thereby, he can easily correct, make it perfect and present consummated and finality without rehashing or repeating the stuff. If all the titles, themes, names of the authors and related key words are fed, processed and analyzed, the reality of manual processing can be assessed. If a regular attendee / knowledgeable participants / independent observers of the proceedings join such data processing, the results can be narrowed down eliminating mistakes. Anyway, the printed stuff available as the papers printed and circulated, souvenirs, proceeding volumes and others tell the factual position.

The factual events Supreme Court judgments also reveal the position: There had been many issues during the last 50 years that had gone to the courts and decided judicially. In fact, many emeritus, elite and eminent historians were also involved out of the court and in the court and they were divided accordingly, as they were supporting one or the other ideology.  Their ideology had been so vociferous, authoritative and dominant that were explicitly propagated through print and electronic media. The World Archaeological Congress (WAC) 3[5], held at New Delhi, from 4th-11th December 1994 also exposed their divide and fight turning into non-academic nature and political bias with their vested ideologies[6]. The following judgments can be cited that exposed their ideologies:

  • Ahmad Khan v. Shah Bano Begum [1985 (1) SCALE 767 = 1985 (3) SCR 844 = 1985 (2) SCC 556 = AIR 1985 SC 945] (otherwise known as Sha Bano case)
  • Indra Sawhney Etc. Etc vs Union Of India And Others, Etc. … on 16 November, 1992 Equivalent citations: AIR 1993 SC 477, 1992 Supp 2 SCR [Mandal or Mandal Commission Report judgment]
  • World Archaeological Congress (WAC) 3, New Delhi, 4th-11th December 1994 (this is an event only) [where experts fought with each other, because of ideoloy]
  • Sarla Mudgal V. Union of India 1995 AIR 1531 1995 SCC (3) 635; JT 1995 (4) 331 1995 SCALE (3)286 454 (Unicorm Civil Code case)
  • M Siddiq and others vs Mahant Suresh Das & Ors   AIR 1999 dated 9 November, 2019 [Masjir-Mandi case or Ayodhya verdict]

The resolutions drafted, circulated or not, discussed and debated[7], passed and printed in the volumes also vouchsafe the stand of the IHC[8].

© K. V. Ramakrishna Rao


[1] Some State History Congress organizers have been collecting CDs i.e, in digital form and it is not known how such huge data is used in digital and as well as non-digital forms.

[2] There have been many papers, even recommended by the sectional presidents and the reasons are known only to them……

[3] It is said, because of the authoritarian nature, bias and other reasons, the state history congresses have started functioning in many states with the support of state philanthropists, politicians and ideologists.

[4] R. Mahalakhsmi, Secretary, Proceedings of  Indian History Congress, opt.cit., preface, p.ix, PIHC, 2022.

[5] India Today, Political wrangles add a touch of bizarre to archaeology conference in New Delhi, KAI FRIESE, ISSUE DATE: Dec 31, 1994 | UPDATED: Jul 19, 2013 10:16 IST.

[6] https://www.indiatoday.in/magazine/indiascope/story/19941231-political-wrangles-add-a-touch-of-bizarre-to-archaeology-conference-in-new-delhi-810050-1994-12-30

[7] After B. R. Grover, none questions and invariably, the resolutions were passed just like that. During the last decades, the public obviously never bothered about the resolutions or proceedings. Even about them of the 81st session, the media has not covered properly.

[8]  Note, at the Kannur session, 17 members sat together and passed 8 resolutions! PIHC, 2022, opt.cit, pp.1277-1283

100% teachers’ posts for tribals in Andhra Pradesh’s identified Scheduled Tribal Areas – SC questioned!

100% teachers’ posts for tribals in Andhra Pradesh’s identified Scheduled Tribal Areas – SC questioned!

100 percent reservation to tribals Economic Times, 23-04-2020

Socialization of legal processes or legalization of legal processes in the political context: In India, many times, the social issues are politicized and political problems communalized. The societal matters cannot be politicized affecting people, as the rulers change often leading to complicating the legal processes. When the question of implementation comes, many state governments keep the judgments in the cold storage looking for their political perspectives. Instead of dealing with the issues directly in the assemblies or parliament, they convert into legal battles. As the secularization of Act and Rules, judiciary and courts have not been taken place, the judgments differ, change and sometimes contradict also. But, the judgments can be changed only through revision, appeal or repeal in a long process. Meanwhile, the social, economic, political processes taking place cannot be reversed. The question of reservation in India has always been a sensitive issue. None has guts to think of not stopping the extending the provision of reservation for every five years. So also such enactments in the states.

No 100 percet quota to tribals,The Judgment , 23-04-2020

100% teachers’ posts for tribals in Andhra Pradesh’s identified Scheduled Tribal Areas: The Supreme Court has questioned the wisdom of setting aside 100% teachers’ posts for tribals in Andhra Pradesh’s identified Scheduled Tribal Areas[1]. A Constitution Bench comprising justices Arun Mishra, Indira Banerjee, Vineet Saran, MR Shah and Aniruddha Bose wanted to know if the 100% quota was meant to benefit teachers or students and demanded studies to show that reservations benefits had percolated to those who needed them and had improved their economic condition[2]. “How can you keep out other qualified persons? Does it help the quality of teachers being recruited? Does it help the students,” the bench asked. “It is an obnoxious idea that tribals only should teach the tribals. When there are other local residents, why they cannot teach is not understandable. The action defies logic and is arbitrary. Merit cannot be denied in toto by providing reservation,” Justice Mishra, who wrote the verdict for the Constitution Bench, observed[3]. The five-judge Bench was answering a reference made to it in 2016 on whether 100% reservation is permissible under the Constitution[4].

No 100 percet quota to tribals,The Hindu , 23-04-2020

The court held that 100% reservation is discriminatory and impermissible: The court held that 100% reservation is discriminatory and impermissible[5]. The opportunity of public employment is not the prerogative of few. A 100% reservation to the Scheduled Tribes has deprived Scheduled Castes and Other Backward Classes also of their due representation. The court referred to the Indira Sawhney judgment[6], which caps reservation at 50%. “it is apparent that despite more than 72 years of attaining independence, “we are not able to provide benefits to the bottom line, i.e., downtrodden and oppressed classes. Benefits meant to such classes are not reaching them ……..   those belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes were making a struggle for freedom, various rights in the country and they have also suffered discrimination and remained an “unequal and vulnerable section of the society…………… We have not been able to eradicate untouchability in the real sense so far and to provide safety and security to downtrodden class and to ensure that their rights are preserved and protected, and they equally enjoy frugal comforts of life …………Citizens have equal rights, and the total exclusion of others by creating an opportunity for one class is not contemplated by the founding fathers of the Constitution of India,” Justice Mishra wrote[7]. It was the nine-judge bench that decided the Indra Sawhney vs Union of India case, wherein it upheld that the Mandal Commission’s 27 per cent quota for Backward classes, as well as the quota for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes, should not exceed the 50% mark.

No 100 percet quota to tribals,The Judgment , 23-04-2020-2

How the case has arisen and gone to the Supreme Court: The case stemmed from a legal challenge to January 10, 2000 order issued by the erstwhile State of Andhra Pradesh Bench providing 100% reservation to the Scheduled Tribe candidates, out of whom 33.1/3% shall be women, for the post of teachers in schools located in the Scheduled Areas of the State[8]. The court said the 2000 notification was “unreasonable and arbitrary”. The court noted the 2000 notification was a “misadventure” the erstwhile State had embarked on to save an identical one issued in 1986. The 2000 notification was given retrospective effect to bring to life to its predecessor of 1986[9].

No 100 percet quota to tribals,The Judgment , 23-04-2020-3

The hearing will continue on 23-04-2020, Thursday: The state of Andhra, also now Telangana, through senior advocates Rajeev Dhavan and R Venkataramani argued there were few takers for the jobs from non-tribals in the areas. Dhavan argued the affinity in language and culture with locals helped children in studies and discipline. Even if the posts were not filled up soon, more tribal candidates would get higher qualifications to apply in the long run, he contended. The bench also wanted to know if the reservations would continue forever. It had observed on 20-04-2020, Monday that even if one person needed, reservations must continue but a day later pointed out the flip side of maintaining such cultural homogeneity in appointments. The hearing will continue on 23-04-2020, Thursday. Scheduled tribal areas are certain geographical areas in states (except areas in four northeastern states covered in the Sixth Schedule) identified and placed in the Fifth Schedule of the Constitution. The Centre identifies the areas in consultation with each state. The Andhra Pradesh government had set aside all teachers’ posts for STs in the areas within the state. Parliament can change the location of scheduled areas by enacting a law.

creamy layer Indra Sawhney judgment- Graphics

Reservation benefits are not “usurped” by those who have benefited out of reservation: Quoting from the SC decision in Union of India vs Rakesh Kumar[10], the bench said[11] that “affirmative action measures should be periodically reviewed” and should be “modified from time to time in keeping with the changing social and economic conditions”. “Now there is a cry within the reserved classes. By now, there are affluents and socially and economically advanced classes within Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. There is voice by deprived persons of social upliftment of some of the Scheduled Castes/Tribes, but they still do not permit benefits to trickle down to the needy. Thus, there is a struggle within, as to worthiness for entitlement within reserved classes of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and other backward classes”, observed the judgment authored by Justice Arun Mishra. The bench agreed with the submission of Dr Rajeev Dhawan, Senior Advocate, that there was a need to revise the lists to ensure that reservation benefits are not “usurped” by those who have benefited out of reservation and that they “trickle down to the needy”.

creamy layer Indra Sawhney judgment- Graphics Courtesy -TOI

 Creamy layer principle not followed – as envisaged in the Indra Sawhney case: “In our opinion, it was rightly urged by Dr. Rajeev Dhawan that the Government is required to revise the lists. It can be done presently without disturbing the percentage of reservation so that benefits trickle down to the needy and are not usurped by those classes who have come up after obtaining the benefits for the last 70 years or after their inclusion in the list. The Government is duty bound to undertake such an exercise as observed in Indra Sawhney (supra) and as constitutionally envisaged. The Government to take appropriate steps in this regard”, the bench said[12]. Today’s proceedings would be reported and then, the finality could be arrived at.

© K. V. Ramakrishna Rao


10 percent reservation - Graphics Courtesy -TOI

[1] Economic Times, SC questions 100% quota for tribals in scheduled tribe areas, By Samanwaya Rautray, ET Bureau|Last Updated: Feb 13, 2020, 09.42 AM IST

[2] https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/sc-questions-100-quota-for-tribals-in-scheduled-tribe-areas/articleshow/74110604.cms

[3] The Hindu, No 100% quota for tribal teachers: Supreme Court, Krishnadas RajagopalNEW DELHI, APRIL 22, 2020 22:16 IST; UPDATED: APRIL 22, 2020 23:14 IST

[4]  https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/no-100-quota-for-tribal-teachers-supreme-court/article31409071.ece

[5] Financial Express,Supreme Court quashes order providing 100% reservation in teaching job in scheduled areas, By: PTI, Published: April 22, 2020 10:07:35 PM

[6] Indra Sawhney Etc. Etc vs Union Of India And Others, Etc. … on 16 November, 1992 – Equivalent citations: AIR 1993 SC 477, 1992 Supp 2 SCR 454.

[7] https://www.financialexpress.com/india-news/supreme-court-quashes-order-providing-100-reservation-in-teaching-job-in-scheduled-areas/1936927/


[9] https://main.sci.gov.in/supremecourt/2002/8431/8431_2002_31_1501_21807_Judgement_22-Apr-2020.pdf

[10] Supreme Court of India- Union Of India vs Rakesh Kumar & Ors on 12 January, 2010, Author: K Balakrishnan, Bench: P. Sathasivam, J.M. Panchal; https://indiankanoon.org/doc/1356187/

[11] LivelaNewsNetwork, Affluent & Advanced Within SC/ST Not Permitting Reservation Benefits Trickle Down To Needy : SC Calls For List Revision [Read Judgment], 23 April 2020 1:04 PM

[12] https://www.livelaw.in/top-stories/affluent-within-scst-not-permitting-reservation-benefits-trickle-down-sc-list-revision-155666