Is it difficult to write 100-200 years old history faithfully and honestly in the Indian context? – Ideological struggle (1)

Is it difficult to write 100-200 years old history faithfully and honestly in the Indian context? – Ideological struggle (1)

Writing recent and contemporary history: The true, authentic and 100% genuine history of the persons who were, have been and are so dominant, powerful and authoritarian, cannot be written faithfully and sincerely. So also the political, military and martial activities, struggles and combats cannot be recorded honestly. Though the facts of such persons and events are known to many, they may not be able to tell them out openly. Even if fallen angels are there, it is difficult to write about them or making angels out of demons is also a much more difficult task. As time goes on, either people start forgetting the past or the past is made to be forgotten by the vested groups.  Mostly, such narratives and discourses result in whitewashing or colourwashing the contemporary history. Historians claim that they do not require any objectivity, then, it works well with the writing history of the current leaders and events. Censor, editing, expurgation, expunction and even destroying evidences had / have been the processes of suppression of facts. In history writing or historiography, whether the intention or their culpability of historians to do so, is not known or discussed.

Is the history of the last 100 – 200 years known to all Indians?: India has been divided into States and Union territories, mostly based on the linguistic factor and few on other colonial related issues[1].

  • Andaman and Nicobar Islands
  • Laccadive, Minicoy & Amindivi Islands (later renamed Lakshadweep)
  • Delhi
  • Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu
  • Manipur
  • Pondicherry, Mahe, Yanam
  • Tripura
  • Himachal Pradesh

Significantly, the history of the last 100 – 200 years is not known to Indians of the current generation and also youth.  The South Indians do not read the history of North-west and North-east of India. Andaman and Nicobar, Laccadive Islands are considered as tourist spots and their history is not studied. The north-eastern states are rarely read either in history books or daily newspapers. Whenever, anything negative happened, that is alone prominently reported[2]. This type of unbalanced conditions creates many misunderstandings among the common people. Many North-eastern and Kashmir students are found in many Universities and Colleges in South India and other places. Though, they could be identified easily, they are treated well and return to their states with degrees. Perhaps, they carry the sweet memories (with some history) also to their native places. However, it is not known how many South Indians, particularly, the Tamils or Dravidian protagonists go to the North-east and study there. Of course, there is no peaceful conditions there in Kashmir and north-east like other parts of India. Therefore, the students who studied and going back, should tell their people to keep their states peaceful, and conducive so that students from other states go there and study.

The syllabus of the State cannot differ much from the national main-stream: Each State and Union Territory have their Ministry of Education and department and they formulate the syllabi for all the subjects taught in the schools and colleges. Though, SCERT has been there, the State Education Department takes decisions, finalizes syllabi, produce books and distribute them. Thus, ultimately, only those books have authority over the students for all purposes. Here, whenever the government changes with the newly elected political party, the syllabus, particularly that of arts, humanities and languages are subjected to change. The lessons of erstwhile government rulers, details and favourites would be removed completely. The life-history of the leaders of the newly elected party-government would be included in edited version[3]. This is how, the state and regional textbooks suffer. Thus, the State Board, Matriculation, NCERT and other categories have their own syllabus and books also. Mostly, they cater to the needs of the candidates appearing for competitive exams also. Thus, such books help the students well. If this difference, differentiation and categorization impact the students, then, the academic experts should be careful for balanced conditions. As crores of Indian students appear for many common entrance examinations, they cannot be fed only with the regional affairs. Nowadays, language is also made controversial for competitive entrance examinations[4].

Race, race-related myth, hypotheses and theories are followed: Linguistic superiority, importance and divisive issues also make certain states to behave differently in their approach towards other states that speak different languages. Definitely, the “Aryan-Dravidian” dichotomy makes the pro-linguistic harbingers to have a distinctive ideology in South India[5]. The concept of race was proven unscientific and such hypotheses and theories were rejected already[6]. The ideologically moulded propagandists with the concepts of race, racism, racialism, language, caste and related social issues make more divisive conditions[7]. New hypotheses and theories have been floated, developed and even included in the academicia and such modern-day racial myths are made to believe[8]. Ironically, the historians promote and support such unscientific race related hypotheses and theories. Even international experts change their stand, if they change their stages[9]. As far as the political leaders are concerned, they are not bothered about anything scientific, though, they reportedly hail science and technology. Thus, the history of their leaders is suppressed, edited and even modified to suit the political, social, economic and religious exigencies.

Communism is mixed with regional separatism easily: With the Communism added to certain political splinter groups and the Communists themselves divide them into different groups with various ideologies interpreted[10]. Thus, these fringe elements joining with other separatist parties join together ruling roost with people groups. Linguistic exclusivism turned regional separatism gets ideological support from these ideological groups. Thus, the ideological concepts of self-determination, the right to secede and such others ideas are with the linguistic exclusivism, regional separatism and racial superiority[11]. Either North India or South India always placed each other at loggerheads without any major problem that reflects even today in socio-economic and religious-political issues. Now, the north-Indian workers working in Tamilnadu has been made a political issue, however, the infiltration of Bangladeshi workers is not questioned. In fact, Mamta Banerjee has an accommodative political policy for them[12]. Politically, though, the Communists lost their power, ideologically, they continue to influence historians, history forums and history, as could be noted from the proceedings of IHC, SIHC etc.

Politicized commerce, ideologized business and monopolized trade: Newly generated cinema, cricket and media commercializations cross all linguistic bearers, of late, they also add to the existing separatist tendencies[13]. Here, surprisingly just like medieval Indian martial and marital alliances, they too have coalition, alliances, franchise etc., converting such business enterprises to monopolies. “Hindi teriyadu poda” (I do not know Hindi) and making Hindi films, creating Hindi and other north-Indian language channels etc., have become their part of business, where their contradictions are not hidden or suppressed[14]. Thus, here, also, the audience or consumers can only see only what the media magnets impose and not what the viewers want. However, regularly, the mobile and internet charges are paid by the common public and collected by those who politicized business and monopolized trade. Thus, the followers might be surprised how their favourite Heroes have been in the wrong side or in different politicized lobby[15]. Under such circumstances also, the media gods and goddesses cannot be questioned, even, many know about their recent-past history.

© K. V. Ramakrishna Rao


[1]  For various reasons, the status of them are kept as Union Territory and also changed to State, vice versa, as happening in the case of several North-eastern states.

[2] Recently, much has been reported and debated in the local Tamil channels about the Manipur incidences, as otherwise, Manipur is never thought of by them.

[3] All the details that are not favorable would have been removed and other details glorifying that characteristics, whether they were possessed by the leaders or not, would have been mentioned there. In fact, the book-writers of such caliber only be appointed as the members of text-book committee.

[4] The NEET (UG) 2023 would be conducted in these languages: English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu. 

[5]  In Tamilnadu, even today the politicians, theoreticians and ideologists – known as Dravidologists – believe in the Aryan-Dravidian races and target one particular community for their survival.

[6]  Yet, they talk about “Dravidian stock,” “Dravidian model” etc., and produce books also for propaganda.

[7] But, the main-stream elite, eminent, emeritus, progressive and other secular bandwagon of historians do not correct, check or condemn them, rather promote them.

[8]  The existence of races Aryan and Dravidian, Aryan invading India and driving the Dravidians to South and such other theories are still accepted and studied in the academic syllabus and competitive examinations.

[9] The speeches of Asko Parpola during the last 50 years could be noted – when he attended Chemmozhi conference and presented his paper, he changed completely.

[10]  Many groups were / are operating e.g., – The Tamil Nadu Liberation Army (TNLA) –

[11]  Even political parties have been there with such ideologies, but now, slowly, they have started playng down and singing different song. It may be noted that PMK of Tamilnadu was having such ideology, but, now it is in the NDA / BJP alliance in 2024.

[12]  There have been a lot of news, how the infiltrated Bangladeshis are settling down in the border areas of West Bengal getting Aadhar  card, Voter ID, ration card etc.,

[13] India has to deal with thousands of such groups –

[14] I do not know Hindi – எனக்கு இந்தி தெரியாது போடா became some sort of propaganda with T-shirts, social media postings etc., where, the DMK leaders too participitated.

[15] The advertisements appearing – from cricket to real estate – in the print and electronic media speaks volumes of such duality or commercial hypocrisy.

The proceedings of the 81st session of the Indian History Congress held at Chennai from December 27th to 29th , 2022 – academic proceedings, paper reading, presentation and publication (5)

The proceedings of the 81st session of the Indian History Congress held at Chennai from December 27th to 29th , 2022 – academic proceedings, paper reading, presentation and publication (5)

The obsession, hype, or craze for paper presentation at IHC and the standard: Every year, it is constantly claimed by the IHC authorities through their reports, news appearing in the media and the business session details that more than 1000, 1500 0r 2000 papers are received on various themes and topics and they are collected[1]. Ten years means 10,000 to 20,000 papers, thus, the volume of such papers collected can be noted. Paper reading, presentation and publication has become some sort of ISI trade mark or ISO 90021 certification. Thus, young history students, research scholars and even professors of all sorts come here to present papers. They (papers submitted) are sorted out, separated and classified for different topics. Now, just 81st session has been over. Thus, for more than 50 years period, e.g., about one lakh – 1,00,000 and for 80 years, much more papers must have been received. But, none bothers or thinks about, how these papers are disposed off.

What happens to the rejected papers, how they are disposed off?: The paper preparing persons – whether students, researchers, professors, experts or otherwise, are definitely, the genuine ones spend a lot of time, energy and money to bring out their papers. Spending thousands of rupees, they are reaching the venue travelling hundreds and thousands of kms distance. And the papers are brought to the conference to present with the hope that they would be published. Many well-researched, presented with PPT and illustrations are ignored, though, they are appreciated by others[2] after the presentation at the section. But, only a few privileged ones are getting their wishes fulfilled, i.e, their papers are getting published and others are rejected – not published. So where such rejected papers have been going? Every sectional president has been getting a copy and thus, during the last 81 years, nearly or at least 300 such persons [sectional presidents] would have received thousands /lakhs of papers. The IHC editor would have received all the copies for every session. Are they kept in the permanent IHC office, store room or record room? Or are they distributed among their students for reference?

How they could have been used by others?: Thus, these papers would have gone to the respective Universities, colleges and institutions and in turn given to their students for usage. Any MPhil, or PhD student can easily use such materials as received on the platter. Thus, such a condition is sad, pathetic and horrible, as the hard work, industrious research and studious labour are to be enjoyed by others. This is unjustifiable and looting the work of others, when these ideologists go on insisting about oppression, suppression and exploitation of so many people, social groups, working classes etc., this can be noted as academic looting,  research pillaging and scholarly prowling.

Are every time new papers presented?: Even the printed volumes of the IHC can be used for such purpose of the critical study of the organizers and their way of bias adopted and adapted in selecting, rejecting, editing and recommendation of papers for publication. Thus a person who regularly attends fo 10, 20, 30, 40 years can easily identify, which paper is read where on / which topic or title and by whom and where also. Thus, he can get the feeling that this is already there or red or published. If he attends IHC, SIHC, APHC, UPHC, PHC, OHC, APHC, THC, TNHC, KHC (Karnataka), KHC (Kerala) etc.[3], he can still easily point out and identify that the same paper or of such nature are read and presented again and again by the same person or by some other.

What are topics, themes and thesis are taken up and dealt with?: Going through the papers presented, read and published, they are grouped as follows:

social conflicts, communal issues, community consciousness

  • struggle, social struggle, societal conflicts, class struggle,
  • majority, majority politics, majoritarianism, minority, vote banks, politics thereof
  • Muslim women’s rights, Shariat law, court cases
  • Masjid-mandir issue, the historicity of Ayodhya, and related issues,
  • community, class, violence, mob violence,
  • left alternative, communist model, Marxist methodology, Leninist option, Maoist substitution,
  • Dalit, oppressed, suppressed, exploited, migration, social mobility,
  • ambiguities, contradictions,
  • marginalization, exclusion, deprivation
  • sectarian, sectarian affiliation, lumpen elements,
  • Hindu-Muslim, colonial exploitation, riots,
  • Cow, beef, beef-eating, vegetarianism, related politicized issues
  • Mughal-Muslim, feudalism,
  • Democracy, authoritarianism,
  • socialistic, secular, communal
  • Vimochana samaran,  communist movements, Marxist interpretation, working class,

These are given only for illustrative purposes and not exhaustive. The published proceeding volumes may be referred to.

What is the logical, rational and reasonable balance used in the selection of the papers?: If a regular attendee of IHC and listener to the paper presentation and reading can easily understand how themes, issues and topics are selected, repeated and even forced to thrust on others. The same, similar or modified narratives, discourses and plots are recurring and replicated. They can be matched easily with the printed volumes of the IHC. A careful reader of the volumes could easily identify such sermons, ideologized and pushed to the members. Even the sectional presidents of the past and present choose to repeat their already published matter by changing and modification. If the period is 1500-1700 has already been selected and printed, then, 1500-1550, 1550-1600, 1650-1700 are taken and such split is exploited with the change of titles and contexts to have a new-look.

  • Paper presentation + reading = publication
  • Publication – printed or on-line versions [of late]
  • Such printed + on-line versions changed or modified
  • Modified – again presented or changed as “new-looks”
  • They are again redressed and presented as sectional president addresses
  • They ae changed to be presented for panel discussion

If any publisher is found, negotiated and settled, they are completed and brought out as books.

Now new standards have been declared: Now the General Secretary declares[4], “Due to constraints of space, summaries have not been published over the past several years. Since 2016, the list of papers presented has also been omitted, as all papers presenters are awarded certificates at the session itself.”

  1. Due to constraints of space, summaries have not been published over the past several years. See the volume, the size no. of pages and weight also has been increasing. For the first time, perhaps, here, all the volumes were disposed off quickly, as they were given free.
  2. Since 2016, the list of papers presented has also been omitted: the expression “omitted” proves the mentality of “rejection.” They cannot “misplace, mislay, or go astray” to do so. It is not a great achievement of the IHC, or editor or whosoever took such fantastic “omission”!
  3. The such omission has been due to the reason – as all papers presenters are awarded certificates at the session itself: So the “fantastic omission,” goes on to justify this. So spend Rs 5000/- or more, just come and read paper within two or three or five minutes get a “certificate” and forget! Is it okay, logical, rational, scientific, secular or what is that?

So if this policy is pursued, they should return the papers with whatever reason to the paper submitters, as they have all details.

Now data and information can be processed not only for plagiarism and even for other purposes: If every time some new data, information, materials, field visit details are given to bring out new result, then, it can be considered as new paper. Systematic, in fact, ongoing research, as he gets new details and results, thereby, he can easily correct, make it perfect and present consummated and finality without rehashing or repeating the stuff. If all the titles, themes, names of the authors and related key words are fed, processed and analyzed, the reality of manual processing can be assessed. If a regular attendee / knowledgeable participants / independent observers of the proceedings join such data processing, the results can be narrowed down eliminating mistakes. Anyway, the printed stuff available as the papers printed and circulated, souvenirs, proceeding volumes and others tell the factual position.

The factual events Supreme Court judgments also reveal the position: There had been many issues during the last 50 years that had gone to the courts and decided judicially. In fact, many emeritus, elite and eminent historians were also involved out of the court and in the court and they were divided accordingly, as they were supporting one or the other ideology.  Their ideology had been so vociferous, authoritative and dominant that were explicitly propagated through print and electronic media. The World Archaeological Congress (WAC) 3[5], held at New Delhi, from 4th-11th December 1994 also exposed their divide and fight turning into non-academic nature and political bias with their vested ideologies[6]. The following judgments can be cited that exposed their ideologies:

  • Ahmad Khan v. Shah Bano Begum [1985 (1) SCALE 767 = 1985 (3) SCR 844 = 1985 (2) SCC 556 = AIR 1985 SC 945] (otherwise known as Sha Bano case)
  • Indra Sawhney Etc. Etc vs Union Of India And Others, Etc. … on 16 November, 1992 Equivalent citations: AIR 1993 SC 477, 1992 Supp 2 SCR [Mandal or Mandal Commission Report judgment]
  • World Archaeological Congress (WAC) 3, New Delhi, 4th-11th December 1994 (this is an event only) [where experts fought with each other, because of ideoloy]
  • Sarla Mudgal V. Union of India 1995 AIR 1531 1995 SCC (3) 635; JT 1995 (4) 331 1995 SCALE (3)286 454 (Unicorm Civil Code case)
  • M Siddiq and others vs Mahant Suresh Das & Ors   AIR 1999 dated 9 November, 2019 [Masjir-Mandi case or Ayodhya verdict]

The resolutions drafted, circulated or not, discussed and debated[7], passed and printed in the volumes also vouchsafe the stand of the IHC[8].

© K. V. Ramakrishna Rao


[1] Some State History Congress organizers have been collecting CDs i.e, in digital form and it is not known how such huge data is used in digital and as well as non-digital forms.

[2] There have been many papers, even recommended by the sectional presidents and the reasons are known only to them……

[3] It is said, because of the authoritarian nature, bias and other reasons, the state history congresses have started functioning in many states with the support of state philanthropists, politicians and ideologists.

[4] R. Mahalakhsmi, Secretary, Proceedings of  Indian History Congress, opt.cit., preface, p.ix, PIHC, 2022.

[5] India Today, Political wrangles add a touch of bizarre to archaeology conference in New Delhi, KAI FRIESE, ISSUE DATE: Dec 31, 1994 | UPDATED: Jul 19, 2013 10:16 IST.


[7] After B. R. Grover, none questions and invariably, the resolutions were passed just like that. During the last decades, the public obviously never bothered about the resolutions or proceedings. Even about them of the 81st session, the media has not covered properly.

[8]  Note, at the Kannur session, 17 members sat together and passed 8 resolutions! PIHC, 2022, opt.cit, pp.1277-1283

The proceedings of the 81st session of the Indian History Congress held at Chennai from December 27th to 29th , 2022 – commercialization, marketing and propaganda! (4)

The proceedings of the 81st session of the Indian History Congress held at Chennai from December 27th to 29th , 2022 – commercialization, marketing and propaganda! (4)

History as a product: The inviting of DMK Chief and ruling Dravidian CM for the inaugural session, their domination on the first day morning on the roads leading to MCC and inside the campus and of course on the stage, the narratives and discourses of his Ministers on the “Dravidian” approach, his discourse on “Dravidian superiority” and the subsequent proceedings accommodating the “Dravidian discourse” show the ideological impact imposed. The DMK IT wing and the propagandist group worked well with the print and electronic media to cover the event[1]. The Rs 35 lakhs grant, the gratitude response of the principal, event management and other factors exhibit the touch of an alliance of marketing ideology with academics. Nowadays, meticulous marketing and propaganda are required for selling any product. Thus, to accommodate 2500 delegates, entertain and satisfy them, different “start-ups” and “end-ups” are required, till they vacate the campus.  

Registration Fees and Payment Modes: The circular issued by the local secretary fixed the “delegate fees” as follows: Keeping in mind the cost of conducting the conference the Organizing Committee has decided on the following fee structure:

Registration Fee structure

  1. Delegate Fee (with accommodation) Rs 4000/- + 18% GST of Rs 720/- = Rs 4720/-
  2. Delegate Fee (without accommodation) Rs 2870/- + 18% GST of Rs 630/- = Rs 3500/-
  3. Student Delegate Fee (With accommodation) Rs 2870/- + 18% GST of Rs 630/- = Rs 3500/-
  4. Student Delegate Fee (Without accommodation) Rs 2050/- + 18% GST of Rs 450/ = Rs 2500/-
  5. Students without Paper Presentations Rs 820/- + 18% GST of Rs 180/- = Rs 1000/-

The tariff definitely exhibits “commercialisation” of the event rather than keeping the “academic pursuits” intact. No student, who wants to attend and present a paper could pay Rs 2,500/- or who pay Rs 1000/- would go away without presenting a paper. Moreover, they have not treated all such delegates equally. The kit was not given, even though, the bag was sponsored by the “Jaya group of Institutions.” Even for all delegates, the “list of papers” was not given. The papers presented during the different panel discussions were also not provided.

Accommodation: Regarding the accommodation, the circular says, “We are trying our best to accommodate the delegates on our campus so that they have a splendid experience. Accommodation in MCC Halls (Hostels) is non-A/C single (for men) and shared (for women) and with common washrooms and toilets. Accommodation will be provided from 26th evening to 30th morning. Considering the number of the delegates who require accommodation, rooms will also be arranged in dormitories, lodges and hotels outside the College premises. For research students, dormitory type of accommodation will be provided. All are advised to bring torch light and mosquito repellent. Accommodation cannot be assured to delegates who have not paid their delegate fee and submitted the duly filled in proforma on or before the last date. Delegates travelling with their families are requested to arrange for their own accommodation. Non-IHC members cannot avail of accommodation provided by us”. In other words, the organizers incur expenditures of a “recurring” nature.  The food was provided at the students’ canteen.

Sarees sold……………….

Sponsorships, donations and grants received for the Conference: The Tamilnadu Government has granted Rs 35 lakhs. The sponsorships have been received from many Institutions and industries:

  1. SRM Institution
  2. Jaya Group of Institutions.
  3. Sterlling Holidays Resorts.
  4. Sundaram Indusries.
  5. etc…………………

Taking the delegate fees paid by 2500 members, even if a minimum 1000/- per head is taken, they would have received Rs 25 lakhs and 2000 means, Rs 50 lakhs. Thus, the total sponsored amount might exceed Rs 1 crores and of course, the pay GST too. Therefore, even, if all expenditure is taken into account, they could save 50% of the amount received. Then, in fact, they should have fixed the delegate fees less than, charing Rs 2500 and 4000 and all.

About the stalls, etc: The examination Hall has been provided for putting up stalls for selling the books, expositioning the “start-ups” etc. And there were two saress selling sarees also. One stall was for “academic consultancy” to students for “preparing research paper,” researchers for “publishing and editing books” etc. One stall for the MCC-MRF alliance for “start-ups.” One stall was occupied by the “Puducherry World History Congress” (hereinafter mentioned as PWHC) campaigning for membership. Thus, commercialization has been visible. It is understood that they charged Rs 15,000/- for a 10×10 sq.ft area proving chairs and tables, light and fan. All the three days, no doubt, the historians, professors, research scholars and students were visiting the stalls to buy books. Of course, some of them were also buying sarees. Interestingly, many times crowd was seen at the stall of “Puducherry World History Congress.”  Once the complaint was made that the crowd gathering at the stall was blocking others. In other words, it was attracting many. Of course, many became annual and life members of PWHC.  The “international” approach and academic planning appeal and instil confidence. And thus, hundreds became members immediately during the three days.

Proceeding volume of  80th Kannur session: It was distributed here for the members. Though, it has become bulky running into 1392 pages (1283 for papers), declares[2], “Due to constraints of space, summaries have not been published over the past several years. Since 2016, the list of papers presented has also been omitted, as all papers presenters are awarded certificates at the session itself.” The no.of papers published are as follows:

  1. Ancient India  ………………. – 27,
  2. Medieval India  …………….. – 22,
  3. Modern India   ……………….- 36,
  4. Archaeology …… …………..  – 10,
  5. Countries Other than India – 8 and  
  6. Contemporary India………. – 16.

Thus, totally 119 plus 6 = 125 papers have been included, about 10 pages for each paper. I have carefully read and noted the contents of the papers. As I have been listening to regulars for the last 35 years, I know their way of presentation, reading and publication of papers.

  • The editorial policy as had been recorded above shows their way of functioning, selecting and accommodating in the bulky volume. Therefore, “Due to constraints of space,” excuse becomes redundant.  
  • That “all papers presenters are awarded certificates,” is quite amusing, as they have not come here to get such “awards,” that too, “at the session itself”!
  • Because, they would not be given at any other place, as IHC would not conduct any ritual to do so.
  • In fact, it is not any ISI or ISO 90021, such standard certification to be displayed.
  • When the papers of Sectional presidents are already printed and distributed during the session, there is no necessity to print their papers again in the volume to waste paper. They are “awarded” for heading the session suitably.
  • Yet, these rituals are conducted and going on.

The scientific approach to study history is also and always emphasised for the last 40 years. The volumes were distributed initially by verification of membership etc., but suddenly, it was given away to everybody.  29th morning, the boxes kept opposite to the counters got emptied, as the copies were taken away.

The product, customer and consumers of IHC – the nuances of cost, value and price- is ignored: The tariff / delegate fee structure, accommodation and other facilities offered to differentiate the services offered by the IHC. Then, comes the “product.” Thus, the GST – Goods and Service Tax justifies. When a “product” has to be marketed and sold, customers and consumers are required. The customers and consumers are cearly identified in the IHC proceedings. Though the delegates come in 1000s, and present papers in 1000s, only 100 are published. The cost, value and price of the paper is not determined, assessed and taxed properly. As the opinion-making and decision taking authorities of IHC differ in marketing, publicizing and propagandist ideologies, they too differ. Thus, customers are the paper presenters whose papers are published and the consumers are the paper presenters who get certificates. The consumers, as usual, consume everything including taxes, as they cannot pass the burden to any other person. GBM is held, business meetings are held, balance sheets are presented and thus, the business is complete.

© K. V. Ramakrishna Rao


[1]  Their SUN-group of network, dailies and poster blitzekering / Blitzkrieg have no match for other way of publicity.

[2] R. Mahalakhsmi, Secretary, Indian History Congress, preface, p.ix, PIHC, 2022.

The proceedings of the 81st session of the Indian History Congress held at Chennai from December 27th to 29th , 2022 – Panel discussion, resolutions passed etc., (3)

The proceedings of the 81st session of the Indian History Congress held at Chennai from December 27th to 29th , 2022 – Panel discussion, resolutions passed etc., (3)

Medieval section – headed by Ishrat Alam……

Medieval section – headed by Ishrat Alam……audience RHS view

Medieval section – headed by Ishrat Alam……audience LHS view

Modern India section – headed by Salil Misra…………………….

Modern India section – headed by Salil Misra…………………….audience view

Countries other than India- Section…….

Countries other than India- Section…….headed by Margit Koves………

Similar titled paper appearing in the IHC proceeding………as coould be noted

Manas Dutta papers already published and appearing…………..

Manas Dutta papers already published and appearing…………..

Other discussions: On the second day [28-12-2022], the IHC Symposium on ‘The Evolution of Social Hierarchies in India’ was held with Shalini Shah, R P Bahuguna and Irfan Habib as the key speakers. Prof Habib participated through the online mode. He made observations regarding the caste system in medieval India. There were also special panels, such as ‘Framing the Syllabus for History Under the National Education Policy’ by Aligarh Historians Society, ‘Relooking Tamil History in Socio-Economic Lens: New Questions and Perspectives’ by G J Sudhakar and Arun Bandopadhyay[1], Sudhakar co-ordinated[2]; ‘The Elephant in the Classroom: Teaching Histories of Gender’ by the History Collective, and ‘Dalit History and Politics’ by Y Chinna Rao. The Department of History, MCC, organised two special panels, namely ‘Archaeology and Cultural Heritage of Tamil Nadu’ and ‘Discourse on Dravidian Studies.’ Actually, nothing was informed to the delegates about the last two panels. A booklet, “Panel on relooking Tamil history through Socio-Economic lens new questions and perspectives,” was given to some delegates containing “abstracts” of some papers.

The panel discussion and their result: This type of narratives have become routine and ritualized and they are carried on without caring the delegates. Here in the 81st session, they were held, perhaps, only to them, as the panellists may get some TA etc. The papers presented were not circulated, leave alone that the different panels were discussing with various issues, themes and topics. Most of the “paper presenters” have not spoken about anything new, except the verbose and opinionated views.

For example, in “Many meanings of an Agrarian Relation: Metamorphosis of Mirasidar – Paraiyan encounter in Tamilnadu over Nineteenth century” by Arun Bandhapadhyay, most of the details are already available in his own papers and book published during the last 30 years[3]. Now in 21st century, under the “Dravidian model” or “Dravidian discourse,” what he would opine is the question[4]. If these are read by the Dravidian historians, it has to be seen how they react.

Another paper by Manas Dutta, “Between performances and lived experiences: Exploring the role of Madras Army 1858-1918,” again his own papers already published of the same titles are available[5]. He has dealt with[6], “….the Paraiyans, one of the Dalit sub-caste of the Madras Presidency, and their transformation from a marginalized group to one which was believed to be one of the worthwhile recruits for the colonial army.” And his paper was also published in the early IHC session[7]. So why listeners should revisit these discourses, again and again, is not known. Moreover, they do not encourage or allow listening delegates to ask questions and avoid also.

Aligarh Historians elected in the IHC: Professor Shireen Moosvi (ex-faculty member, Centre of Advanced Study, Department of History, Aligarh Muslim University) has been elected as the Vice President the Indian History Congress, the largest body of professional historians in India, while Professor Syed Ali Nadeem Rezavi, Professor Manvendra Kumar Pundhir, and Professor Syed Jabir Raza have been been elected as the Secretary, Joint Secretary, and Treasurer respectively[8]. Eminent historian Professor Irfan Habib and Professor Ishrat Alam have been elected as Members, the Executive Committee of the prominent body[9]. Incidentally Professor Alam was also the President of the Medieval India Section of the Indian History Congress this year. Notably the annual session of the Indian History Congress was held at Madras Christian College, Chennai between December 27-29, where these historians got elected for their respective positions during the Executive Committee and General Body meetings. During this 81st session of the Indian History Congress, a large contingent of 30 teachers and researchers from the Department of History, AMU participated and contributed research papers in its various sessions, symposiums and annual felicitation lectures. Can you say how many of your Universities elected in this way for IHC?

Resolutions passed by the IHC (details given by News click): The History Congress concluded its 81st session with a general body meeting and approved as many as five resolutions. It elected Aditya Mukherjee (Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi) as president and Syed Ali Nadeem Rezavi (Aligarh Muslim University) as secretary.

  1. One of the resolutions raised concern about the official promotion of the ‘Indian Knowledge System’. It read that it was a worrying trend that the Arthaśāstra and Manusmriti are held as major achievements, although “both texts show a deep-rooted rejection of equality and an addiction to the caste system.”
  2. Another resolution noted that the implementation of the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) through the National Testing Agency (NTA) “marks a significant step backwards” for History, a discipline “where the emphasis has been on methodologies, source-based analysis and interpretive frameworks.”
  3. On University Grants Commission’s draft syllabi for History in higher education, the Congress resolved that the omission of any mention of the caste system, the removal of the Mughal emperor Akbar in Medieval History and other such developments were grossly “unacademic” features.
  4. With special reference to mosques in Varanasi and Mathura, the IHC held that “structures of any architectural significance that are over 200 years old should be duly protected as ‘monuments’ by the Archaeological Survey of India.”
  5. A resolution was also passed on the COVID-19 pandemic, which observed the failure of the state policy and the lack of state support during the state-imposed lockdown.

Again, there is no “Grover type” well-informed historians are not there and they can go on passing such resolutions, where they do not have any locus standi.

2019 to 2022 and onwards: On the third day, 29-12-2022, many delegates started moving away from the campus. Moreover, they knew that the session was winding up by the afternoon with business session and valedictory function. The Tamil Nadu government allotted Rs 35 lakh towards the Indian History Congress[10]. Notably, in 2015 the Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) stripped the IHC of its special funding. This large event was hosted by the Department of History, MCC. with R Venkataramanujam as the local secretary of the 81st Session of the IHC[11]. The IHC was held in Tamil Nadu after 26 years. It was previously held in the Madras University campus in Chennai in 1996. The previous 80th annual IHC meeting was held in Kannur in 2019 when Kerala governor Arif Mohammad Khan had to face demonstration, sloganeering and of course the aggressive behaviour of Irfan Habib. The Indian History Congress was founded in 1935; it is considered the country’s oldest professional body of historians. At present, it has more than 1,500 members.

© K. V. Ramakrishna Rao


MCC organizers appreciating the students for their excellent work…………………………….

We can understand from their eyes, joy and happiness…………………………..

[1] The Hindu, Indian History Congress session concludes, THE HINDU BUREAU

December 30, 2022 06:47 pm | Updated 06:47 pm IST – CHENNAI


[3] Bandhpadhyay, Arun, 1992. “The Agrarian Economy of Tamil Nadu 1820-1855”, K.P. Bagchi & Co., Calcutta.

[4] Bandopadhyay, Arun. “Agrarian Change and Social Mobility in Colonial Conditions: The Mirasi Question in Nineteenth Century Tamil Nadu.” Indian Historical Review 36.2 (2009): 237-256.

[5] Revisiting the Role of the Paraiyans in the Madras Presidency Army, c. 1801-1894”, The Inclusive,Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2012

[6] Understanding the Social Complexities in the Madras Army, 1807-1858 paper presented at the Indian History Congress at Gour Bangha University, Feb 2011 and published in the Proceedings of IHC in the Modern India Section. ISSN: 2249-1937.

The article deals with the Paraiyans, one of the Dalit sub-caste of the Madras Presidency, and their transformation from a marginalized group to one which was believed to be one of the worthwhile recruits for the colonial army. The narrative delves on their exalted status as a military subaltern within the general set up of the army department and also traces their subsequent socio-political positions in the southern society under the colonial rule after the 1880s. Despite their primary dependence on agriculture for their survival, several of them preferred to be enlisted in the army under the colonial rule in India for better livelihood and social standing. The official/archival documents highlighted that the Madras Presidency army had given much benefit to them and became a source of their social occupational mobility. Thus, It has been given them a new sense of identity and power and their empowerment as a caste.

[7] IHC, February 2011.

[8] Aligarh Muslim University, ALIGARH HISTORIANS ELECTED IN THE INDIAN HISTORY CONGRESS, Aligarh, December 29, 2022 | Public Relation Office.


[10] News Click, Stalin Opens Indian History Congress, Says ‘False History Should be Sidelined’, Sruti MD | 30 Dec 2022.


Historian, historical politician, political historian, and historian politician – how do they differ with each other?

Historian, historical politician, political historian, and historian politician – how do they differ with each other?

Historians and corruption: Based on court case laws, complaints lodged at the police station and other sources, cases of corruption are also noted. This is mainly related to the students who complain that he is not getting reservation benefits, stipends, scholarships, grants etc. Many times, such issues are sorted out at the student, departmental level, so that it is compromised among themselves. When it is elevated, they go to Principal / Vice-Chancellor, committees and then, gets settled. Internal committees are formed and sorted out and settled. M.Phil / PhD students, theses presentation–related issues, sometimes may go to court. Thus, from the court cases only, the details are gathered and briefed here without mentioning the names of the students and the faculty involved.

Historians, courts and judicial judgments: Pro K. Rajayyan has gone to court to recognize the “1800 rebellion” as a part of 1857-Independence movement. Like Rebellion in Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu in 1755, Rebellion in Dhalbum, Bengal in 1769, Rebellion in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh in 1778, Rebellion in Rangapur and Dinajpur, Bengal in 1783 and Rebellions in Orissa and Coastal Andhra in 1794, he argued it should be included.  ICHR documents say that he received some grant, he submitted the papers and the result is not known[1]. Thus, whether his volume published by ICHR came out or not – is not known, however, his book came out published by one private publisher. Like any other historian, Romila Thapar had been a member of the Prachar Bharathi Board till 1999 and of course, she gets many-many positions from the foreign countries also. She used to file petitions in the courts supporting the Leftist ideologists[2]. Barun De had been a member of NCERT, State Heritage Committee (West Bengal), etc. , and vociferous in supporting BM (Babri Masjid) cause.

How the eminent, elite and emeritus historians deposed before the courts in the case of BM-RJB case and get exposed: Many “independent experts”, historians and archaeologists appeared on behalf of the Sunni Waqf Board but in the end, the special bench of three judges unanimously dismissed the objections raised by them about the ruins of a temple under the demolished structure. Supriya Verma, Suvira Jaiswal, Shereen Ratnagar, D. Mandal, Suraj Bhan, R. S. Sharma, M. Athar Ali, D. N. Jha, Shireen Musavi, and others posed as “experts” and deposed before the courts giving manufactured or manipulated details as evidences[3]. It was Justice Sudhir Agarwal who put their claims to judicial scrutiny. Interestingly many of these “experts” had deposed twice in the court — once before the ASI excavations and another after[4]. Before the excavations, they asserted that there was no temple beneath the disputed structure and after it was dug up they began to claim that what was unearthed was a mosque or stupa. Not only that, they found themselves withering under judicial scrutiny in spite of writing signed articles and issuing pamphlets and long public letters. The judge asked pointed queries which might have never been asked by their students. The cross-examination covers several pages and gripping reading. It shows the levels to which our academics have fallen and become handmaidens of the political machinery.

Historians, historian politician, historical politician and political historian: Woodrow Wilson, Thomas Masaryk, Jawaharlal Nehru and Mikhail Gorbachev are mentioned as “historian politicians.” Now, there have been more political historians than historian politicians, as interestingly, though English allows using “historical politician” in the context, historians do not use it. Ironically, “historical politician” makes him hysterical, but, “historian politician” makes him comfortable. Till the World Wars, the historians had to obey to the rulers or the Church, as otherwise, they were killed and in some cases, they escaped to save themselves from getting killed to other countries. The politicians with a close interest in history were often more interested in power than in wisdom, and thus, their histories have been hysterical. The category of “political historians” rule roost to talk anything and historians have to accept and authorize, thus, histories are written accordingly. So naturally, they have to assert that historians do not require objectivity.

Historians, reality and objectivity: The reality of the social, economic, political, fiscal and related issues and problems have to be sorted out, solved and made conducive to all common people. The intellectual historians have to tell honestly, as to how the 1947 – one dollar = one rupee economic condition was changed. Even up to 1980, it was one dollar = 10 rupees. Generally, in India, the production by mass has been the criterion than the mass production. That is why, the Indian society survived and survives also, but, now, artificial infrastructure and logistics have been created to force them to come to the wholesale market, cold storage and other techniques that are not required for Indian conditions. The fundamental “Roti, Kapda aur Makhan = the food, dress and house,” have been taken care of them by themselves without expecting from the government. The entire agriculture, textile production, metal industries and other related production have been village and rural oriented and thus, there has not been any problem.

Historians cannot forget the tradition, heritage, culture and civilization of India: As the urbanization has started increasing, encroaching water bodies with the disappearance of tanks (including temple tanks), lakes and rivers (the kudals = where two or more rivers join together). The remote sensing and other scientific studies bring out the details that cannot be ignored by the historians. As exports of leather finished products, knitted garments, yarn and other goods increased, they only started affecting the water bodies polluting, besides the encroachments pointed out. Thus, during the last 1300 years of rule of the Moghuls and the European companies, the production and manufacturing processes have been changed. As India started depending upon other countries, particularly European and American, the dollar-rupee, pound-rupee, euro-rupee parities crept in and the rupee value started coming down. Thus, the Indian goods and services have become cheaper for European and American companies.

The modern economy and the ideology of historians coincide with dates also leading to harm for common people: During 1960s industrialization, modernization and urbanization started affecting the real Indian economy and the 1980s LPG (Liberalization-Privatization-Globalization) perhaps killed the crawling economy. However, historians have been shying to tell the truth, instead, they interpret in terms of ideology and induce the village and rural communities to fight against the government. Here only, the anti-national aspect comes into play, taking it to separatism. Therefore, history should not be misused to divide people, but to help them to understand the real past and preserve the past. That cannot be interpreted as “nationalism,” and kill the spirit of the common people.  As they use such English words and expressions, jingoism, chauvinism, medieval mindset, sectarianism, communalism, and so on, they try to kill the real patriotism.

© K. V. Ramakrishna Rao


[1] 1. Before 1857: K. Rajayan: Rs 12,000; Submitted but not traceable.

2. 1857–1885: S.R. Mehrotra: Rs 12,000; Not submitted.

3. 1885–1886: Bipan Chandra: Rs 12,000; Not submitted.

4. 1896–98: Not assigned

5. 1899–1902: B.R. Grover: Rs 12,000; Submitted and published.

6. 1902–1903: Not assigned.

7. 1903–1905: Not assigned.

8. 1905–1907: Sumit Sarkar: Rs 12,000; Not submitted.

9. 1907–1909: Sumit Sarkar: Rs 12,000; Not submitted.

10. 1910–1915: M.N. Das: Rs 12,000; Not submitted.

11. 1915–1919: T.K. Ravindran: Rs 12,000; Not submitted.

12. 1919–1920: V.N. Dutta: Rs 12,000; Submitted and published.

13. 1920–1922: Sita Ram Singh: Rs 12,000, Submitted, under production.

14. 1922–1924: Sreekumaran Nair: Rs 12,000; Submitted and published.

15. 1924–1926: Amba Prasad: Rs 12,000; Not submitted.

16. 1927–1929: Bimal Prasad: Rs 12,000; Not submitted.

17. 1930–1931: Bimal Prasad: Rs 12,000; Not submitted.

18. 1932–1934: Bipan Chandra: Rs 12,000; Not submitted.

19. 1934–1937: Gopal Krishna: Rs 12,000; Not submitted.

[2]  Recently, her name figured in the Elagar Parishad arrest case. Supreme Court of India – RomilaThapar vs Union Of India on 28 September, 2018, Author: A Khanwilkar –  REPORTABLE,  




                         Romila Thapar and Ors.                         ….. Petitioner(s)


                         Union of India and Ors.                        ….Respondent(s)

[3] The judgment gives the details as to how they manipulated and caught in the court through their “quoted-quoted” methodology, etc.

[4] And these very ‘historians’ are cited as witnesses in the pleadings filed by the Sunni Waqf Board in the courts which are considering the Ayodhya matter –

Witness number 63: R.S. Sharma;

Witness number 64: Suraj Bhan;

Witness number 65: D.N. Jha;

Witness number 66: Romila Thapar;

Witness number 67: Athar Ali (since deceased); …

Witness number 70: Irfan Habib;

Witness number 71: Shireen Moosvi, also from Aligarh Muslim University;

Witness number 72: B.N. Pandey (since deceased); …

Witness number 74: R.L. Shukla; …

Witness number 82: Sushil Srivastava; …

Witness number 95: K.M. Shrimali;

Witness number 96: Suveera Jayaswal; …

Witness number 99: Satish Chandra; …

Witness number 101: Sumit Sarkar;

Witness number 102: Gyanendra Pandey; …

Historian: History teachers, lecturers and professors have to be connected with society, people, and their common requirements!

Historian: History teachers, lecturers and professors have to be connected with society, people, and their common requirements!

Historians and society: Historians should have been connected with the students and also associated with the society. The general public should not think that they are not accessible to normal people, but always hobnobbing with the privileged elite, and influential politicians. The common people want solutions and not sloganeering, propaganda and hours of lectures. They should have made the society to live together, not researching their divisions. The daily earners want to work and get along with their routines. They cannot come for demonstrations and lose their daily income. Historians or the speakers on history get money and other facilities to do so. Everybody knows that the egalitarianism and utopian principles would not work, as historians speak on the stages or in the A/C halls and auditoriums, how many workers are engaged to create such comfortable conditions for them.  Can historians create such conditions for workers to speak in the same way? Thus, if the public demonstrators get money, then, they also participate in all demonstrations[1].

Historians and students: The relationship between teachers and students have changed in modern times, particularly, during the last 100 years with changes exhibited in every ten years. Historians target students in the schools, colleges and universities, where the students have to be obedient, docile and faithful to their teachers. They have to be “Yes Sir, Yes Madam, ……….”  type and mode only, as they fear about internal assessment marks, fieldwork and other nuances. In any educational institution, students change in every three and two years in the degree/graduation and post-graduation levels. Even new students join, they have to follow the same pattern. Those who are interested in the studies, they get degrees and go away for higher studies or getting jobs. The left out continue joining students movements, unions, associations, federations and so on[2]. They became leaders of students, with the imbibed ideology they may join some political party. As more such students join them. Their position is conditioned and assured.

Historians and ideology: Take any book on history, archaeology even anthropology, anthropological archaeology or archaeological anthropology, “Marxist” variety has to be studied. Thus, ideological history, historical ideology or historicized ideology has already been accepted in the studies. Hence, in the origin of the human race, there should be monogenic and multigenic hypotheses and theories. So also for the origin of languages and others, multi-strands hypotheses and theories are stressed. How the communists and congress parties were involved with the Indian history congress has been too well-known to be repeated here. So also their involvement with the Babri Masjid movement, passing resolutions and even feeding the historians, who deposed before the courts, are/have been well documented[3]. The Court documents at their respective levels prove their meddling. Therefore, claiming “scientific” at one side and engaging in ideological processes at the other side lead to contradicting positions. When the question of “objectivity” comes, the historians fight with each other as to whether they should have it or not[4].

Historians and courts: The so-called elite, emeritus and other historians going to courts and all have been well-known. However, there have been serious issues, where some have been involved in the smuggling of historical artefacts, sculptures, coins etc. One Australian History Professor V.J.A. Flynn was arrested at the Indira Gandhi International airport. And his court cases proceedings expose the criminal acts of several historians[5]. The CAG reports expose as to how many historians, archaeologists etc., give “less than 100 years” certificates leading to the smuggling of artefacts. How the PhDs are awarded, how the girl students are sexually harassed and other cases have been different. The inter and intra departmental rivalries and other encounters among the historians have also come to courts with all details available. The personal, family matters, etc., and such cases have also been there, but they are not pointed out.  Therefore, these people when talking about principles, equality, gender sensitization, family values through ages etc., it would be amazing, surprising, and shocking.

Historians and smuggling of antiques- VJA Flynn case: The “VJA Flynn case” has been a classical one, where many historians have been involved, but, all have been keeping quiet. The CAG Report, 2013 noted as[6], “In June 1994, Dr VJA Flynn, an Australian citizen, was intercepted by Customs authorities at Delhi with antique coins. Due to inordinate delay in photography by the ASI, even after a lapse of 18 years, the case was still sub-judice. The ASI was also facing a defamation suit from Dr Flynn claiming damages of US $ 11,00,000. The ASI stated (October 2012) that the delay was “procedural”. No historian or archaeologist had enough guts to pass any resolution against this in any history congress. When the (Flynn) case was taken up by the Australian court, Indian counterparts were blamed by Flynn and his counsellor, this every Indian historian, professor, teacher and other should read and understand. How many years he was in India is mentioned as[7], “ `The jailing of Dr V.J.A. “John” Flynn in India, annexure H’, you then give the fact that Dr Flynn first travelled to India in the mid-1950s, made several visits in the 1960s, again in 1972, had three short visits in the mid-1970s but did not return until 1989. He returned in 1990 and had pursued scholastic endeavour and was awarded a PhD in medieval Indian history by the Australian National University in 1976.” Some chronological problem is there, but, it is just quoted, as he was arrested on 21-04-1994 at the Delhi airport.

Historians, ideology and politics: US politics have engaged historians [William Hague, Arthur Schlesinger Jr (Court historian of John F Kennedy)] for their propaganda and other activities[8]. The UK had already adopted such policy with a mix (Beatrice, Sidney Web, etc.,) to achieve their political ends[9]. The sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists and others also aid and abet politicians. Like the French historians of the Great Revolution, like Albert Soboul, the historians of the Communist Party Historians’ Group in Britain, include Eric Hobsbawm, E.P. Thompson, Dona Torr and Raphael Samuel of Marxism. B. N. Datta, D. D. Kosambi[10] are considered the founding fathers of Marxist historiography in India. The other Indian scholars of Marxian historiography are R. S. Sharma, Irfan Habib, D. N. Jha, and K. N. Panikkar, Satish Chandra, Romila Thapar, Bipan Chandra, Arjun Dev, and Dineshchandra Sircar, to mention a few. They have been proudly declaring themselves as “Marxist historians”. So ordinary Indian wonders as to there have been other categories also like “Leninist historians,” “Maoist historians,” “Marxist-Leninist historians” and so on[11]. For the last 70 years, they have been dominating the academician holding postings at UGC, ICHR, ICCSR, NCERT etc., with the support of Congress and Communist parties.

Historians, politicians and politics: In India too, every state has court historians who advise the local ruling and opposition parties with all inputs[12]. Wherever the media power is there, that is also exploited to spread their messages.  They get suitably honoured with awards, rewards, members in the boards, grants, etc[13]. Stefan Berger briefs that[14], on the surface, the historical scholarship might seem thoroughly incompatible with political engagement: the ideal historian, many imagine, is a disinterested observer focused exclusively on the past. In truth, however, political action and historical research have been deeply intertwined for as long as the historical profession has existed. In this insightful collection, practising historians analyze, reflect on, and share their experiences of this complex relationship. From the influence of historical scholarship on world political leaders to the present-day participation of researchers in post-conflict societies and the Occupy movement, these studies afford distinctive, humane, and stimulating views on historical practice and practitioners.

© K. V. Ramakrishna Rao


[1] Nowadays, it is well-known that the crowd is gathered with orchestrated plans, as mostly, few people really want to listen to lectures. The students are forced to occupy the auditorium so that it would look full. For demonstrations, rallies and protests, the people ar paid and brought. They are agents for outsourcing and ordered they would bring a truckload of people.

[2] Recently such glaring examples are exposed, where students alias student leaders have been staying in hostels for many decades enjoying the benefits, but not completing their courses.

[3] The platforms of IHC was used every year for one or other way passing resolutions, but suppressing their real motive and how the historians have been falsifying the details of history, archaeology and other disciplines. “Quoted quoted” methodology was used and it was exposed in the judgments.

[4] When historians claim that they follow scientific and secular methodology, then, naturally, they have to be without bias, prejudice and preconceived notions. Therefore, they have to be objective, impartial and dispassionate.

[5] Delhi High Court – Mr V.J.A. Flynn And Mr Shyam … vs Union Of India (UOI) And Ors. on 26 November, 2002, Equivalent citations: 2003 (66) DRJ 381, 2003 (86) ECC 129, 2003 (159) ELT 92 Del – Author: S Aggarwal, Bench: D Jain, S Aggarwal –

[6] Report No. 18 of 2013, Performance Audit of Preservation and Conservation of Monuments and Antiquities, p. 145.

[7] Senate Foreign affairs, Defense and Trade references committee, 13/11/1996 Consular services –;query=Id:%22committees/commsen/rcomd961113a_sfa.out/0009%22;src1=sm1

[8] The Guardia, Why politicians need historians, David Armitage, Tuesday  7 Oct 2014 07.19 BST.

[9] Though, it is seven years old, the reality of the nexus between the historians and the politicians has not changed.

[10] D. D. Kosambi was apologetic of the revolution of Mao and thought of Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s policies as pro-capitalist. Kosambi, a polymath, viewed Indian History from a Marxist viewpoint.

[11] NDTV conducts debates, Left, Right and Centre by bringing certain historians and others debating and discussing about BB-RJB issues, archaeology, historiography and related subjects and issues. However, except the left, others have not been given any importance and the so-called moderator allows maximum the views of the left only. Perhaps, they edit the video and broadcast.

[12] They need not be named, as when every five years the local government changes, the local historians get their chance to get an appointment as chairman, member etc., in the SCERT, Textbook compiling and printing society and so on and their names would be flashed in the local TV and other print and electronic media. The State awards, rewards, gifts and other perks would be given to them regularly taking care of their welfare. The more the historians are loyal to the leaders, the more the benefits, he / she gets from the State government.

[13]  The posts of UGC, ICHR, ICCSR and others would be nominated and filled up accordingly. Others get Governorship, memberships in Boards etc.

[14] Stefan Berger (ed.,), Historical Profession – Perspectives on the Intersections of Politics, Activism and the Historical Profession,  Berghahn Books, Making Sense of History Series, USA,  2019.

What is the real problem with Indian Epigraphy department, Epigraphists – Cadre Restructure, Niti Ayog Report or change of Act and Rules!

What is the real problem with Indian Epigraphy department, Epigraphists – Cadre Restructure, Niti Ayog Report or change of Act and Rules!

Cadre-restructuring exercise in the ASI: The proposed restructuring of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has left the scholars and retired staff of the department fuming. They have alleged that the field of epigraphy has been given short shrift by the government. As per a circular of the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, 758 new posts would be created in the ASI as part of a cadre-restructuring exercise, subject to the abolition of 304 posts in the existing scheme of things. But what has left scholars shocked is that not a single post has been created for the epigraphy branch, which is the basis for the reconstruction of history based on material evidence such as inscriptions on rocks, caves, temples, pillars, stones, and copper plates which are still being discovered. But, why they were keeping quite since 2013 is intriguing, when, all these proposals were made known to the staff of ASI of all cadres.

Reviving Higher posts, deputation and other issues: In as late as March 2021, the ASI had issued a note that 41 Group A posts would be revived, including that of Director, Epigraphy (Sanskrit and Dravidian), and Director, Epigraphy (Arabic and Persian). A notification calling for the appointment of Director, Epigraphy (Sanskrit and Dravidian), was issued on 08-06-2021, Tuesday, but this is only on deputation while two other posts related to the Sanskrit branch have lapsed. In the new scheme of things, 70 posts related to horticulture have been created, including 55 horticultural assistants, apart from 434 conservation assistants whose job will basically be to oversee the maintenance of monuments. But not a single post related to epigraphy has been notified. When contacted, senior officials in the ASI preferred not to comment on the issue, saying they were not authorised to do so.  Yes, when the working staff, as thy have accepted the Cadre Restructure plan, they cannot grudge anything now. Whereas, the retired  officials and experts could opine now.

ASI restructure – Contrary to plan: But T.S. Ravi Shankar, retired Director of the epigraphy branch of ASI, told The Hindu that the new proposal flew in the face of NITI Aayog’s plan of the ASI restructuring under which strengthening the epigraphy branch was clearly enunciated[1]. The restricting and cadre review takes place once in a few decades and by ignoring epigraphy, the government has demoralised the staff, said Dr. Ravi Shankar, adding that it would not attract new talent nor retain the existing staff[2]. But what about their updating knowledge, participating in the conference, research, attempts made to decipher Indus script and so on. Another scholar, who has retired from the epigraphy branch after more than three decades of service but did not wished to be named, remarked that professionals would have to retire in the same post to which they were appointed at the time of joining and hence this development would pave the way for the flight of talent from the epigraphy branch to universities. Why then, they accepted for “Care Restructure”? Perhaps, somewhere, somebody is hiding the facts or misinterpreting. Citing his own example, the scholar said he had remained as an assistant in the department for 22 years despite many publications to his credit, while he would have retired as a Head of Department had he joined any university. In Central Excise, even in 30 to 40 years service, many retired not even getting one or two promotions, whereas, in other departments, say, Customs, they became Group-I officers, implying that they get three or more promotions, that too, within 20 years[3]. So, they can still get promoted in the group-I with the 10-15 years left, and retired with much benefits.  Given the vastness of the country and the potential for unearthing more inscriptions, it is imperative to at least retain or revive the sanctioned posts, but instead some of the posts have been abolished, said Dr. Ravi Shankar. Though two zonal offices of the epigraphy branch were created in the 1990s, it did not result in the creation of new posts, he added.

Restructuring and renaming of ASI started in 2013 with the NITI Ayog Report: The 160-year-old organisation, Archaeological Survey of India, could have its name changed and image rebranded if the latest recommendations of the Niti Aayog report are to be accepted by the Union government. The report suggested that the nomenclature and branding of ASI be done considering its extended mandate. Among various names that were suggested, the report said Ashmi—Archaeological Survey and Heritage Management of India—was preferred one. “With the acronym ‘ashmi’ in Hindi indicating ‘rock born, hard and strong’, an adjective suitably applicable for India’s everlasting, eternal heritage primarily carved in stone. It also extends to the Hindi term ‘ashmibhut’ meaning fossilized,” the report said. The Niti Ayog report said that ASI should get whole new branding tagline on the lines of ‘Incredible India’ which made its strong presence. Among other names suggested for ASI includes, National Heritage Board of India, HASI (Heritage and Archaeological Survey of India) indicating ‘happiness’. For branding, slogans suggested were Heritage Bharat, Bharat ki Virasat, Bhavya Bharat, Heritage India, Virasat India and Historic India.

The Rules introduced on 28-09-2020 were not opposed: The opinion was also asked during August 2018 about the change of rules as for as the epigraphists appointments were concerned[4]. This has been the feature of every Central Government department going for Cadre Restructure[5]. Of course, through Association also opinion and recommendations were used to be submitted and obtained. Consequent to acceptance of Cadre Review and Restructure, recommendation of NITI Ayog, new rules were issued[6]. The Notification No. 3-2/2020, the 28th September, 2020 was issued to introduce rules on the posts of Assistant Superintending Epigraphists and Assistant Epigraphists[7], “These rules may be called the Ministry of Culture, Archaeological Survey of India, Assistant Superintending Epigraphists and Assistant Epigraphists (Sanskrit, Dravidian and Arabic and Persian Inscriptions) Group ‘B’ posts, Recruitment Rules, 2020.” At that time, the existing epigraphists could have opposed, pointing out the problems. Considering the “restructure and other benefits,” they might have kept quite. But, now, in July 2021, raising this issue is intriguing[8]. As usual, historians, scholars and others joined together and started issuing statements etc[9].

92 posts scrapped in the National Museum, no suitable candidates found for many years: The National Museum in the capital has an enviable collection of two lakh antiquities. But to conserve this collection, there are only 15-odd people, say insiders. And there won’t be a force multiplier any time soon as 92 posts lying vacant at the museum have been scrapped at one go. The museum issued its office order on July 23, 2019 announcing that the group A, B and C posts stand abolished, following a ministry of culture order[10]. A museum source informed that of the 92 posts, up to 50 were group A and B — functional and technical staff. TOI asked the culture ministry why such a step had to be taken[11]. “We waited for 24 hours for their response, but it still hadn’t come at the time of filing of this report. The museum’s antiquities are broadly grouped under several departments (or collections, as the museum calls them)—archaeology, prehistory, manuscripts, paintings, decorative arts, jewellery, arms and armour, pre-Columbian and western art, Central Asian antiquities, numismatics & epigraphy, and anthropology…..The posts that have been eliminated had been lying vacant for five years or more. We are trying to revive them. Actually, these vacancies could not be filled earlier because we couldn’t find any suitable candidates”. 

Appointment of Young Archaeologist (ASI-YA) on contract basis: Some draw attention to the Circular No.A.44/27/2021-ADMN-I, Government of India, Ministry of Culture, Archaeological Survey of India dated 27-07-2021 calling for the appointment of Young Archaeologist (ASI-YA) on contract basis in the ASI. As “Adopt Monument” has been extended to private players, this could be on the same lines getting job done by youngsters. If the epigraphists were required on the same lines, the same could be done. However, the job of epigraphist is more of mental application in recognizing the script, understanding the language and decipher the contents of the inscriptions. The epigraphists as such have not discovered anything substantial for the last 70 years. They have not attempted to decipher the Indus script also. Iravatham Mahadevan, though an IAS officer, took interest and brought out concordance on the IVC symbols. Thereafter, nothing has been done of that nature. While every subject is updated and something useful to the society and nation is found, discovered or made applicable, the epigraphists have nt done anything new other than simply following the dictum that Asoka copied the script from the Greeks and the Indians were illiterate before 3rd cent.BCE.

Why candidates not selected, declared unsuitable etc: Earlier, when the Congress and its alliance were in power, privatization was thought about and the JNU, AMU, DU and Calcutta Universities cadres were planning to push their candidates in. However, the privatization expectations were for highly qualified, with practical experience and updated technology of using instruments, digitization of data and so on. However, through, private institutions, some got diplomas and tried to compete, but, utterly failed, when they were interviewed. In fact, many, challenged their non-inviting for interview, non-selecting after interview and so on. But, the Court judgments amply expose as to why they were not selected rather than disqualified[12]. Getting diplomas and certificates would not work without actual experience dealing with electronic instruments, gadgets and application.  Moreover, politicization of this type of professions would not work. Historians might get along with their ideology, claiming that they do not require any objectivity and so on. But, here, these jobs involve the real scientific applications and ideology would not work.

© K. V. Ramakrishna Rao


[1] The Hindu, Epigraphy gets short shrift in ASI restructuring exercise, R. Krishna Kumar, MYSURU, JUNE 13, 2021 22:53 IST; UPDATED: JUNE 13, 2021 22:53 IST.


[3]  When I joined in 1980, I could not understand that a seior and knowledgeable Inspector retired as an Inspector working for more than 20 years. And we were told that becoming a Superintendent could be a great thing in life. We know many officers retired as Superintendent with 30 and more than 30 years experience. Of course, because of Cadre Restructure, we got Assistant Commissioner post after 18 years.

[4] ASI No. 3-3/2018 Plg & HRD (RR) dated 24—08-2018, referring to O.M.No.AB-14017/61 2008-Estt (RR).


[6] Staff.News, Assistant Superintending Epigraphists and Assistant Epigraphists (Sanskrit, Dravidian and Arabic and Persian Inscriptions) Group ‘B’ posts, Recruitment Rules, 2020 in Archaeological Survey of India , Pawan, October 16, 2020 4:43 pm


[8] The Hindu, Historians, scholars call for strengthening epigraphy, SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT, MYSURU, JULY 30, 2021 19:24 IST; UPDATED: JULY 31, 2021 08:05 IST.


[10] Times of India, National Museum in Delhi abolishes 92 vacant posts, Manimugdha S Sharma / TNN / Updated: Jul 26, 2019, 08:58 IST.


[12]  Many case laws are available in the NIC and India Kanoon websites and they tell the facts.

Why the “Buddhist relics” bogey is  again at Ayodhya even after the rejection of the Buddhist petition by the Supreme Court and settled the issue? [2]

Why the “Buddhist relics” bogey is  again at Ayodhya even after the rejection of the Buddhist petition by the Supreme Court and settled the issue? [2]

14 petitions including that of the Buddhist claim considered and rejected

The Supreme Court has already covered the Buddhist claim and settled: The Supreme Court in its judgment in Civil Appeal Nos 10866-10867 of 2010, with other 14, dated running into 1045 pages have already gone into all the details as pointed out below:

Explanation : For the purposes of this section any property comprised in Hindu, Mohammedan, Buddhist religious or charitable endowment shall be deemed to be property vested in trust for a specific purpose, and the manager of any such property shall be deemed to be the trustee thereof [Para.411, p.455]. Artefacts, including architectural fragments which have been recovered during excavation have a distinct non-Islamic origin. Though individually, some of the artefacts could also have been utilised in a structure of Buddhist or Jain origins, there is no evidence of the underlying structure being of an Islamic religious nature. The conclusion which has been drawn by the ASI that the nature of the underlying structure and the recoveries which have been made would on stylistic grounds suggest the existence of temple structure dating back to the twelfth century A.D. would on a balance of probabilities be a conclusion which is supported by evidence [p.595]. Finally, the ASI, in its final report dated 22 August 2003, concludes by indicating that:  “―Now, viewing in totality and taking into account the archaeological evidence of a massive structure just below the disputed structure and evidence of continuity in structural phases from the tenth century onwards upto the construction of the disputed structure along with the yield of stone and decorated bricks as well as mutilated sculpture of divine couple and carved architectural members including foliage patters, amalaka, kapotapali doorjamb with semi-circular pilaster, broken octagonal shaft of black schist pillar, lotus motif, circular shrine having pranala (waterchute) in the north, fifty pillar bases in association of the huge structure, are indicative of remains which are distinctive features found associated with the temples of north India”. (Emphasis supplied) [p.524, 563].

Aamalak considered and rejected by the SC-2

The so-called “Aamalak” has also been dealt with: During the course of excavation, ASI recovered an Amalaka‘ which is typically a segmented or notched globular stone disc with ridges on its rim with which sits on top of the Hindu temples‘ shikhara or main tower[1].    An amalaka may also resemble a lotus and is a symbol of a deity seated below. ASI also recovered a ghatapalava‘ motif which is associated with a ceremonial offering to a deity and as a symbol has been used to decorate shrines [p.587]. These issues, discussion and counter-arguments had gone on for the last 28 years since 1992, when such broken sculptures were revealed along with the 16 line inscription. But, some people and the media without any reason but with vested interests, rake up the same issue, that has been settled by the SC.

Irfan Habib floating - planted hypothesis 2003

Brought from outside and planted: the hypothesis put forward by the eminent historians: When Ajay Mitra Sastri deciphered the 29 lines inscriptions, the eminent historians sarcastically remarked that “I must have been planted there bringing from outside”! They did not care to respect their own respectable college, Ajay Mitra Sastri. That was the decency and decorum of the eminent historians ganged up and started identifying as “Babri historians” i.e, supporters of Babur, his demolition of a temple there at Ayodhya and appealing for the reconstruction of “Babri masjid”! Without any regard for anything, they passed resolutions at the annual sessions of Indian History Congress (IHC) that has been reportedly working for “scientific and secular history.” In 2003, scholar Pushpa Prasad presented a paper during the IHC, describing the Lucknow Museum’s Inscription No. 53.4. Citing palaeographic grounds, she claimed that its two fragments originate from two different epigraphs: the top one records a Gahadavala land grant, and the bottom one mentions a Chandela invocation to a deity. According to her, the handwritings on two fragments are from two different scribes. Moreover, the letters in the upper fragment are smaller in size, compared to the letters on the upper fragment. As I was there at the session, when asked to read the original inscriptions, she could not do so. However, her paper was duly published[2].  Some scholars such as Irfan Habib have alleged that the Vishnu-Hari inscription was brought to Ayodhya from the Lucknow State Museum and planted at the Babri mosque site. Their theory states that the Vishnu-Hari inscription is actually the Treta Ka Thakur inscription, which was found by Alois Anton Führer in the 19th century. But, Kunal Kishore has exposed their biased reading, impartial interpretation and suppression of facts[3].

Ayodhya insriptions 20 lines deciphered

December 2019 – The frivolous petition filed by the eminent historians and its dismissal: Forty eminent academics, and rights activists have filed a review petition against the Supreme Court’s verdict in the Ayodhya dispute appeals passed in November[4]. In the petition, raising concerns over the impact the verdict could have on the “social fabric” of the country, the petitioners have sought a relook into the November 9 verdict. The petitioners include Prabhat Patnaik, Aakar Patel, Irfan Habib, Harsh Mander, Farah Naqvi, Nandini Sundar, Shabnam Hashmi, John Dayal and Jayati Ghosh among others and the review petition has been filed through senior advocate Prashant Bhushan[5]. The Supreme Court threw out multiple pleas for a review of its ruling handing over the entire disputed land in Ayodhya to the deity, Ram Lalla[6]. At least 19 review pleas had been filed in the case. These included petitions by the Nirmohi Akhara, one of the litigants in the case that sought a clarification on its role and representation on a trust that the court had said should be set up to construct a temple at the site[7]. While a group of intellectuals had called upon the court to reflect on and “correct” its ruling, several petitions by Muslims had challenged the decision to hand over the land on which the Babri Masjid once stood to the Hindus. Thus, it is evident that the eminent historians have just filed the petition to get newspaper publicity. The learned advocate Prashant Bhushan must have known very well about the legal position, yet, to satisfy their clients, he would have filed the petition to get dismissed.

Sketch of RJB in 1717

Why the eminent historians and their followers do not bother about 100 crores of Indians?: Historians, researchers and writers should address all Indians taking care of their interests. They cannot be biased, prejudiced and predisposed against any particular group of people, faith or religion. As for as the “BM-RJB” issue is concerned, they have been producing more and literature printing in the popular media to propagate against the Hindus, under the guise of secularism. During the last 40-60 years, they have exhibited certain characteristic approach, attitude and mindset towards the other side of the audience:

  1. They have revealed their scant regard for the judicial judgments at High courts and Supreme Court questioning the wisdom of the judges.

  1. The subjects of history, archaeology, historiography etc., are not for them alone for interpretation.

  1. Of course, as the stuff written in English gets circulated through a selective targeted groups, audience and ideologically receptive regulars, they do not bother about others. The proceedings of the Indian History Congress have been manipulated during the last 40 years[8].

  1. Just like the Mohammedan court-historians, a group or groups of historians, researchers and writers, who have been regularly writing in EPW, The Hindu, Frontline and a dozen internet dailies. They do not or do not want to hear the other side, but ant only their views ti get accommodated, printed and circulated.

  1. Whereas, in india, more than 100 crores people, who have also been watching these groups, have understood that they have not been balanced, but biased; they have been against the sentiments of the Hindus under the guise of secularism; they have been working for the Mohammedan cause portraying themselves as “Babri historians” suppressing the iconoclasm;

  1. Indians from the southern states wonder to see the idols placed at a distance, after going round and round with a lot of security and all, as they have been visiting great temples because of the grandeur, sanctity and religious obligation. They wonder as to where was the temple and why they are treated in that way.

  1. Therefore, even after 1992, with a little or less facilities at Ayodhya, why crores of peoples have been going there to have a darshan of Ram-Lalla, they have to ponder over. They never bothered about the facilities, amenities and conveniences provided to the pilgrims. Their knowledge, wisdom and expertise never cared for the rights of the yatris going there.

© K. V. Ramakrishna Rao


Sketch of RJB in 1889

[1] Adam Hardy, Indian temple architecture form and transformation: the Kamata and Dravida tradition, 7th to 13th centuries. New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, 1995.

[2] Proceedings of the Indian History Congress, 64th session, Mysore, 2003 / 2004, Vol. 64, pp. 348–361.

[3] Kunal Kishore, Ayodhya Revisited, Ocean Books Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi, 2016.

[4] The Wire, Academics, Activists File Review Petition Against Ayodhya Verdict,11/DEC/2019


[6] Economics Times, Supreme Court dismisses pleas seeking review of Nov 9 Ayodhya case verdict, By Samanwaya Rautray,Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019, 06.40 AM IST


[8] I have been a life-member since 1985 and attending many annual proceedings since 1985 and participated actively, contested elections, and presented papers also.

The 80th session of Indian History Congress held at Kannur University – Can historians misbehave, students disrespect authority and women-delegates violate the law? [3]

The 80th session of Indian History Congress held at Kannur University – Can historians misbehave, students disrespect authority and women-delegates violate the law? [3]

Irfan questioning Governor, The Hindu photo

How Irfan Habib behaved can be noted. The police and security guard stood in between. Irfan Habib raised his hands.


Irfan Habib mismehaving with governer-2

Ravindran put his hand on Irfan Habib, the guard warned him.

Irfan Habib tried to prevent Governer-5

As Irfan tried to go near to the Governor, he was pulled by the VC.

Irfan Habib tried to prevent Governer-3

Ravindranath VC held him, but, Irfan still heckling…….

Kerala MP and others politicized and Irfan Habib aggravated: After Ramachandran Kadannappalli, the Governor Arif Mohammed Khan came to the mike and started to speak i.e, to deliver his inaugural address. Suddenly, he was asked to speak later, as the president of IHC, Amiya Kumar Bagchi had to read his presidential address. This appeared strange and shocking also as the Governor need not be kept waiting. Many times VIPs do the ritual of the inauguration and go away. Taking the opportunity, Irfan Habib came to the mike and formally proposed Bagchi to be elected as president and asked Shireen Moosvi to second. Then, Irfan Habib started talking about Kashmir issue where thousands were imprisoned without trial, people without internet etc, because of the Hindutwa agenda of the government. Thus, the speech of K. K. Ragesh and Irfan Habib proved that they wanted to talk politics. Then, the new president was allowed to read and he took more than half an hour struggling to read some portions of his printed booklet. Evidently, most of the audience was also not interested in his reading. After all these, the Governor was allowed to deliver his inaugural speech.

Irfan Habib tried to prevent Governer-6

Ravindranath pulled Irfan Habib asiide.

The Kerala Governor had responded to the MP who raised the issue of Citizen Amendment Act and other issues: First, he mentioned all the names of VIPs and then started his speech. “I did Sociology and then Law and have the privilege of inaugurating the event. I came with a prepared speech, yes, I prepared myself, but, after listening to the political speech of others, I have decided to respond to them,” evidently pointing to the Rageesh. “As a person who entered Parliament at the age of 26, I cannot but react when confronted with political issues,” he said[1] implying that he was not nominated as a Rajyasabha MP. “I became a governor by taking an oath to protect the Constitution and speak for it. I have quit positions when I felt the Constitution was under threat,” pointing to the irrelevant and impotent speech of the two. “Please don’t give too much importance to them. Please take your places,” he told those who had stood up in protest. “You have no right to create violence or disturbance. You can’t silence me with protests. You can’t shout me down. You have come with an agenda,” Khan said, but by then he could barely be heard over the slogans. “I came to know about the harassment that (former) Pakistan cricketer Danish Kaneria faced because he is a Hindu,” he said, alluding to retired fast bowler Shoaib Akhtar’s allegation that Kaneria had been a victim of discrimination from some team-mates[2]. Incidentally, the news appeared the day before the IHC[3].

IHC inauguration -delegates shout with placard-close view

The women delegates started raising slogans and showing placards

Two Bengali girls shouting at Governer.clear photo

The women delegates started raising slogans and showing placards, front side

The Bengali giirl who created problem.carrying placard

Another view

The Bengali girl tossed the cap of the police

The “woman delegate” created ruckus and the cap of the woman cop tossed up and later, she adjusted.

The Bengali girl taken out by the police-1

The ruckus-woman was taken out, see her facial expression

IHC - the girl that created problem, how much strength

Note, how the woman tried to create a scene.  Three woman police could not control her?

Young Bengali girs creating drama

The drama the delegate played…..

The Bengali giirl who created problem

Biju Kandakkai joined the dramatic woman

The Governor explained how the protesters and demonstrators ran away from him when called for discussion and dialogue: The Governor continued his speech, “There were demonstrations outside Raj Bhawan. I sent a renowned Malayali writer on my behalf to call those who were protesting, for a discussion, but they said that they were here to protest and not for discussion. Again when I was staying at Calicut guest house, people came for a demonstration. I asked them to come inside to discuss, but, none came. Then I informed if they did not come, I would come there by 9 am to discuss, but, by 7.30 am, they disbursed. So I said that when you shut the doors of discussion then it creates an environment of violence and hate followed by a sentence of Gandhiji[4]. The moment I said this, Irfan Habibji got up from his seat and wanted to charge me,” Khan told ANI here.”My ADC stopped him and then he (Habib) went behind the sofa and came from the other side. He was stopped by my security, ADC and others. The videos clearly showed that Habib was seen going from LHS to RHS three times and VC and others tried to control him. VC at one stage, pulled his hands and made him to sit away from the Governor. Of course, there was an argument between them as could be noted by the observers.

Historians shouted and created ruckus-2

Now the turn of eminent historians. Note how furious he was!

Histrisans shouting at Governer

And these are also historians…..

Historians shouted and created ruckus-3

Note the fury……………………….and action of the historians.

IHC Rowdy historians

Eminent historians in action shouting and raising hands!

Intolerant IHC historians did not want to listen to the invited Governor, but, engaged in shouting, disrupting and showing placards: Since he stood on the stage, some protesters created a ruckus there,” Khan added[5]…. “I would not have spoken on this issue if it had not been raised it. Since you raised it, you are making political statements. I am under oath to protect, preserve and defend the Constitution….You have every right to protest. But you cannot shout me down…when you shut the door for debate and discussion, you are promoting culture of violence…Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, said the “partition had swept away dirt… but some potholes (were) still stinking..people in Kerala had not been affected by Partition. The people here had a sense of empathy and even without knowing the issue they came and joined when the neighbour agitated. However, Partition had affected the thinking of people in northern India. ……You have come here with an agenda, you no right to create disturbance and violence at the venue”.

Rowdiism at IHC Kannur, 2019

One historian had exceeded limits breaching security and he had to be controlled by a plain-cloth police/security guard.

Tolerance, right to speech, freedom of thought and expression etc: Generally, nowadays, all speak about “tolerance,” there were return of titles, awards etc, some years back, but, now, they kept quiet. And there have been a lot of talk, discourses and lectures abut freedom of thought, speech and writing, but, all have been going in one way only. In Tamilnadu, we have been witnessing the effects of “Dravidian ideology” of various shades and the “ideologies” of historians have also been in the same way with sophistication. When the learned historians have the right to talk, why cannot they listen to others? In fact, the Governor was responding very pointedly giving examples and legal position, but these historians were behaving differently. Their unbecoming, improper and unruly sloganeering, shouting and disrupting the authority proves their agenda. It is appalling, deplorable and intriguing as to how they could have behaved in this way.

IHC protocol violation, VC accepted-outlook

The news report – the protocol was violated at the Governor function

Kannur VC responed

EnteThe news report – the protocol was violated at the Governor function a caption, the VC accepted the lapses.

The invited host VC accepted that there were violations of protocol: Holding “reject CAA” placards, some students, said to be from Jamila Millia, Aligarh Muslim University and JNU raised slogans. And incidentally, these students, women-delegates etc., as described by the media were nothing but, the volunteers sitting there in the counters of registration, etc., harassing the delegates. Some delegates shouted “Kerala Governor shame shame” as Khan concluded his speech. And these have been the professors. VC Gopinath Raveendran on Sunday 29-12-2019 admitted that there were protocol violations at the inauguration of the 80th IHC where Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan was in attendance on Saturday 28-12-2019.

  1. Governor’s programme duration shouldn’t be more than one hour.
  2. The organisers violated the schedule. The names of two speakers, including Habib, were not there on the initial programme list.
  3. But, he was made to sit there for one-and-a-half hours listening to speeches of others. Speaking to the media, Raveendran said that historian Irfan Habib’s speech was not listed in the programme[6].
  4. “Several things that took place at the governor’s meeting were in violation of the protocol. Habib’s speech was not listed in the schedule,” said Raveendran[7].

As he knew such things would happen, he should have avoided Habib or kept the IHC ritual after the inaugural function. Or, he need not have invited him at all. It is evident that the IHC historians, professors and experts did not like his presence. Therefore, the entire drama, stage show and comedy or tragedy were carried on knowingly.

Five Protocol Violations Flagged by Raj Bhavan

  • Normally, one hour is the duration of the Governor’s programme but as per the request of the organisers, it has been extended to 1.25 hours. However, the Governor was invited for the speech after 1.50 hours.
  • As per the protocol, the Governor is supposed to speak at the end. However, he was invited first at the IHC event. Moreover, when he approached the podium to deliver his speech, he was called back by the organisers!
  • Irfan Habib spoke at the event without permission. In a gross violation of protocol, History Congress general secretary Mahalakshmi Ramakrishnan invited two odd people from the audience to speak on stage in the presence of the governor.
  • Irfan Habib heckled the governor and attempted to stall the Governor’s speech. In a security breach, the Governor’s ADC was pushed away. IHC general secretary Mahalakshmi shouted at the Governor. Even though the security officers ordered the organisers to remove Irfan Habib from the stage, the order was not executed.
  •  In an intelligence failure, the audience sitting in the front row protested and raised placards.

KVR questioning Mahalakhsmi about the behavour-1

K. V. Ramakrishna Rao tried to reach out Mahalakshmi Ramakrishnan

KVR questioning Mahalakhsmi about the behavour-2

K. V. Ramakrishna Rao tried to reach out to Mahalakshmi Ramakrishnan and explain the position

Mahalakshmi pulled Habib to prevent

How Mahalakshmi tried to stop Irfan Habib going ear to the Governor [from a video]

KVR asking Jeffery

The local NEWS-18 Malayalam TV video shows my approaching to S.Z.H. Jafri asking him about the happenings, he smiled and moved away wearing his coat

IHC jaffri too

When I asked Jaffry, he tried to go away

IHC Shrimali avoided looking at me

When I asked Srimali, he looked down

IHC these senior historians too

These historians had been adamant

IHC smiling away - Gurukkal etc

While Rajan Gurukkal smiled, the other one avoided with a smile….

IHC the shouted one, Shrimali, Sudhakar

The eminent historians had been belligerent….Definitely, the historians knew what they did was not correct, et, they did!

What sort of ideology that preaches to act against Governor, police, authority etc?: The behaviour of the students from Jamila Millia, Aligarh Muslim University and JNU “women-delegates” or volunteers of IHC has brought a bad name to IHC. No professional or gentleman would not have conducted him/herself in that manner. They appear innocent, but, shocking to know the way they acted and conducted themselves with the police. In one video, it is seen, these young women toss cap of a woman cop down, and the police tried to catch it and adjust on her head. This is shocking to the core, because, learned women behaved with uniformed officers. Such conduct is unimaginable. That they even do not respect the police is not understandable. What sort of ideology that preaches to act against Governor, police, authority etc? Definitely, something is wrong with these personalities. We were uniformed officers and we imagined of doing such things. We only respected our higher officers. After looking at all, I tried my best to go near to the K. M. Srimali and others. I asked them, “Is this the way IHC would be conducted?,” but, they kept quite. I asked Mahalakshmi Ramakrishnan, but, she went to the stage, but, only, to justify their actions. The governor of a State has been the highest authority and opposing, disrespecting or tried to misbehave him is liable to be punished under Act and Rules. This Governor might have liberally brushed aside the events or forgotten, but, it would remain a black chapter in the history of “IHC.”

© K. V. Ramakrishna Rao


What Governor told

[1] The Telegraph, At history meet, CAA backlash in Kannur University, By K.M. Rakesh in Bangalore, Published 29.12.19, 5:06 AMUpdated 29.12.19, 5:06 AM


[3] Indian Express, Danish Kaneria mistreated by Pakistan cricketers as he’s Hindu, alleges Shoaib Akhtar, Published: 26th December 2019 11:34 PM | Last Updated: 27th December 2019 12:27 AM

A video of Pakistani pacer Shoaib Akhtar, who has been vocal on different issues, has gone viral on social media in which he had said that players refused to eat food with Kaneria just because he was a Hindu. “The players who didn’t like to talk to me just because I was a Hindu. Soon I will reveal their names. I did not have the courage to speak in this regard, but now I got the courage to speak on this issue when I heard Shoaib’s statement,” Kaneria said. “I was playing against about 22 people (sic) — 11 theirs and 10 ours. Who knows who was the match-fixer. There was so much match-fixing. Mohammad Asif told me which all matches they had fixed and how they did it,” he had said.

[4] Business Standard, Irfan Habib tried to charge me; was defending law which is my duty: Arif Mohammad, ANI | Politics First Published: Sun, December 29 2019. 21:53 IST, Last Updated at December 29, 2019 22:10 IST.


[6] The Outlook, Protocol violations at Kerala Guv”s meet: Kannur VC, teNews Scroll, December 2019 Last Updated at 2:06 PM | SOURCE: IANS


The 80th session of Indian History Congress held at Kannur University – the financial transactions are worse or doubtful? [2]

The 80th session of Indian History Congress held at Kannur University – the financial transactions are worse or doubtful? [2]

IHC kit given, searching inside for the missing

Delegates anxiously searching through the bag, as many things were missing or nor found!

IHC, bag and the contents

Only these items were found in the bag along with a pencil, sharpener…

IHC, bag sponsored

Sponsored by these companies

Incomplete kit provided to the delegates without “list of papers” etc: On 28th morning, we got ready and proceeded to the venue. First, I got the kit, but, it was only a cloth bag containing a pencil, sharpener, souvenir, a booklet “Sheikh Zainuddin Makhdoom II and Tuhfat ul Mujahideen – A Revisit to a Historical Text: After 437 years” of Dr K.K.N.Kurup, whereas, the required items:

  1. The booklets of addresses sectional presidents,
  2. list of papers,
  3. pen and
  4. other usual materials were not found.

Even that cloth bag was “a complimentary one” from “………………..” obviously an Islamic organization its name is not visible to read and Yono by SBI[1]. So what exactly, the IHC wanted to provide to the delegates was surprising, considering their 79 years past experience. That “list of papers” was not provided proved that all were not well with the IHC, particularly, the academic proceedings[2]. Then, we went for breakfast. We gave “food tokens” and went inside. However, I could watch that some were just coming inside without giving tokens. So this is the way procedure was followed thereon in IHC and by the host. They should have some common sense that without paying delegate fees, the messages could not have been received in the mobiles, accommodation provided, kit given and so on.  Idly and vadai were provided for breakfast with chutney and sambar. However, it could not match with the one that of Tamilnadu, Karnataka and Andhrapradesh categories. Of course Telangana also, now, it is another state.  The “poori” was also provided, but, as it was kept ready, one had to stretch and slice to get a piece to add with masala and eat. Elders and the persons with teeth problem had to fight with it to eat successfully. The catering services[3] were provided by “Top Taste Food & Catering Service.”

Top Taste Food & Catering Service

The caterers who supplied the food

IHC, food court, token collection

The so-called food court blocked by the volunteers asking for token!

IHC, food court, token collection.coming out

Coming out after taking food, evidently, they could not have asked tokens from the police and others!

IHC samiana front, full

The police security for the Governor, Minister, MPs, MLA etc

IHC samiana front way entrance, full

The vehicles parked outside

IHC - waiting for Governor

MPs waiting for the Governor

IHC - waiting for Governor.with police

Minister MPs waiting for the Governor with the police

The inaugural function, pandal, security etc: After breakfast, we went to the samiana / pandal put-up for the inaugural function. The minister, MPs were waiting outside for the arrival of the Governor. The police personnel were there for their regular duty. There was heavy security with frisking and checking of delegates going inside. For security reasons, the space was also divided and chairs arranged for the audience. The office barriers and the executive members were sitting in the front excluded area LHS in the front of the stage. The media persons were accommodated RHS bay from the stage. The delegates were made to sit behind them in two divided bays.  The card [inaugural ceremony] issued by Gopinath Ravindran V.C and P. Mohandas, Local Secretary mentioned the dignitaries as follows:

Welcome speech:






Keynote Address:



Presidential address:

Prof Gopinath Ravindran, VC, Kannur University

Sri Biju Kandakkai, Member Syndicate.

Sri K. Sudhakaran, M.P, Lok Sabha.

Sri K. K. Ragesh, M.P., Rajya Sabha.

Smt. Suma Balakrishnan, Hon’ble Mayor, Kannur Corporation.

Sri Ramachandran Kadannappalli, Hon’ble minister for ports, museums, archaeology and archives.

Prof Amiya Kumar Bagchi [incoming pfresident]

Prof Irfan Habib [oficiatig President]

Sri Arif Mohammad Khan, Hon’ble Governor of Kerala.

One lady was announcing repeatedly, “The Governor would arrive shortly. All members have to stand up and follow the protocol…..”. I could see M.G.S. Narayanan was entering the VIP bay on a wheelchair. Gopalan Kutty was seen behind. The moment the Governor came to the stage, “Janagana mana” was played.

IHC, kannur Invitation, Inaguration

The invitation for inaguration

IHC inauration - security checking

The checking and frisking of the delegates, historians and the press

IHC inauration - separate space provided.2

All sitting inside the pandal

KVR at the inagural session 28-12-2019

All sitting inside, I was also there

Gopinatha Ravindran and Biju Kandakkai on funding IHC: Prof Gopinath Ravindran, VC, Kannur University, welcomed the Governor, Minister, MP, and other VIPs as usual. Sri Biju Kandakkai, Member Syndicate lamented that the funds to IHC had been dwindling down. I do not know how he could know the financial position of IHC. As a member of organizing committee, he could have known. In the “Welcome to the delegates…..” note of Gopinath Ravindran[4], he recorded clearly, “Finally, I must place on record my debt to the Government of Kerala, which despite straitened finances, found funds to support the cause of scientific professional history writing at a time when such scholarship is systematically being thwarted by the triumphalist divisive politics of the present”. The tone and tenor exhibited that he has already been moulded to politics. Of course, he did not reveal the quantum of the “funds” received from the Government of Kerala. Moreover, the souvenir contained nearly more than 79 advertisements – one full front cover backside cover, one-half page and 77 quarter page, thus, even with minimum Rs 1000/-, it would come to one lakh, Rs 5,000 means Rs. 5 lakhs and so on. The details appeared in the media has been followed, wherein, all had participated and discussed.

IHC Kerala govt funding

VC pointing out that Kerala govt funded the IHC hosting

Organizing Committee formed with the CM and other political leaders: The 80th edition of Indian History Congress would be held at Kannur University in the last week of December 2019[5]. Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan and Minister of State for External Affairs V Muralidharan were elected as the chief patrons of its organising committee[6]. The university’s VC, Gopinath Raveendran is its chairman. District panchayath President K V Sumesh, Syndicate member Dr V P P Musthafa, PK Sreemathi, Pro VC Dr PT Raveendran, Syndicate members Dr John Joseph, Advocate P Santhosh Kumar and Binju Kandakkai were elected as other members of the committee[7]. Syndicate member A Nishanth, historian Dr C Balan, University Union chairperson Sisira TK were elected as conveners. Dr P Mohandas was elected as local secretary and Dr Manjula Poyil was elected as Treasurer. Apart from them, cultural leaders, representatives of the people, political party leaders, research scholars, journalists, teachers and students are also part of the committee[8]. Pro VC Dr PT Raveendran presided over the meeting. VC Dr Gopinath Raveendran spoke about the importance of the event. Ports Minister Ramachandran Kadannappally was the chief guest. District panchayath president KV Sumesh, corporation councillor Lisha Deepak, Dr VPP Mushtafa, Biju Kandakkai, A Nishanth, Dr John Joseph, CPM district secretary MV Jayarajan, CPI district secretary P Santhosh Kumar, IUML district general secretary Abdul Karim Cheleri, Dr Manjula Poil and Dr C Balan participated in the meeting held. Therefore, there could not be any problem, as anyone talked about funds and all.

IHC, Kannur university, organizing committee

The organizing committee included CM, Ministers, MPs etc

Funds received through advertisements and delegate fees: 2000 delegates registered means Rs 75 lakhs and thus, the income would touch one crore and the event is mega one with such a huge fund. Therefore, there was no question on lamenting about funds, as IHC appears to be financially strong. IHC should come out with the details as to whether the VIP groups from JNU, AMU, DU etc., had been paying delegate fees or not, because they get maximum comforts etc., every year. Suppose, 100 VIPs do not pay, but enjoy means, Rs 10 lalkhs facilities mean, delegates like me had to suffer in rooms with doors not closing, cistern not working etc. However, these elite categories lecture about equity, equality, brotherhood etc. As I am from Tamilnadu, I could note how he spoke in highly Sanskritized Malayalam, that would be hated by our “dravidian” leaders. He stressed that regional history should be given importance. The rewriting of textbooks should be stopped. The contemporary method of restructuring history should be followed.

IHC, JSTOR royalty received

IHC gave rights to JSTOR for proceeding volumes for which royalty received.

IHC balance sheet, accounts not proper

Auditors clearly recorded that many documents were not produced to him and thus not verified by them

The IHC accounts are not clear, incomplete and unreliable: The accounts/balance sheet, they are producing have been separated for the fixed deposits, royalty received, income and expenditure etc[9]. The treasurer and the connected persons have been lethargic and not doing duty properly, as reflected in the recording of the auditors:

“D. It is observed that FDR…has not been renewed with due interest of….for the year. It has been renewed for the original amount of………hence the shortfall in the FDR has been reflected as Suspense Account in the Balance Sheet.”

The auditors have been very cautious that they have not verified all the documents of the IHC as they did not produce to them [see note.E of their report]. With the agreement made with JSTOR, the IHC received Rs.3,12,888.20 as royalty last financial year [2018-19][10].

“E. Relevant Vouchers and other documents have not been produced for verification and we have been given to understand that due to students strife at Jawahar Lal Nehru University, New Delhi, where, the office f the Indian History Congress is situated, the office barriers cannot approach and make available to us”.

The General President (officiating) has also been much cautious, as he has only “adopted” the report submitted by the treasurer about the funds transactions and not approved. Significantly, only 12 EC members have signed. Yet, they are accepted, as the members had no say or they did not want to ask. There is a reasonable doubt as to how many of the members of IHC know about these transactions. This year GBM also, they could not present their accounts.

IHC, kannur -Biju Kandakkai

K. K. Ragesh in different attires!

K. K. Ragesh, M.P., Rajya Sabha, CPI(M) started politicizing the session: Sri K. K. Ragesh, M.P., Rajya Sabha, CPI(M) explained how Kannur martyrs played a crucial role in the freedom struggle. He pointed out that British hanged many from the Malabar region. Then, suddenly, he turned to political issues and started opposing the Citizenship Amendment Act and so on. He claimed that IHC was to be conducted here [in Kannur, Kerala]. He started interpreting that the constitutional provisions were attacked. He started openly attacking the Citizen Amendment Act and went on opposing it…………….The secular fabric of the country was attacked and universities targeted. He accused that Universities were also attacked. Though certain section of Indian did not participate in the freedom movement, they were posing as freedom fighters. History has to be written properly, as it is not mythology and cannot be substituted with mythology. Sri Ramachandran Kadannappalli, Hon’ble minister for ports, museums, archaeology and archives pointed out that IHC has thousands of members. India has 5000 years of history starting with the Indus Valley Civilization. Prof Amiya Kumar Bagchi started reading from his printed material. As he was old, he was struggling to read also.

© K. V. Ramakrishna Rao


Ramachandran Kadannappalli IHC

Ramachandran Kadannappalli, Hon’ble minister for ports, museums, archaeology and archives speaking

[1] YONO is an integrated digital banking platform offered by State Bank of India to enable users to access a variety of financial and other services such as flight, train, bus and taxi bookings, online shopping, or medical bill payments. YONO is offered as a smartphone app for both Android and iOS;

[2] It is well-known that they encourage only Marxist and medieval ideological interpretation of history, and other aspects are sidelined, ignored and consigned to oblivion. From 1980 onwards, this attitude has been affecting the Indian history, historiography and curriculum.

[3] Top Taste Food & Catering Service H.O. SLM Building, Vakkadavu Road Kadalundi, Calicut. Email – ,

[4] Prof Gopinath Ravindran, Welcome to the delegates….., Indian History Congress- Souvenir- 80th session, Kannur University, Kannur, 2020, p.5.

[5] Indian Express, Kannur University to host Indian History Congress in December, Published: 24th September 2019


[7] The Hindu, Organising panel formed for history congress, STAFF REPORTER, KANNUR, SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 02:01 IST, UPDATED: SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 02:01 IST.


[9] IHC, Proceedings of the Indian History Congress, 79th session, Bakatullah University, 2018,  see, Appendix – IV, Indian History Congress, 79th session, pp.959-968.

[10] IHC, Proceedings of the Indian History Congress, 79th session, Bakatullah University, 2018, New Delhi, 2019, p.959