Is history subject losing its importance? (2)

Is history subject losing its importance? (2)

How history divided Telangana and Andhra (failure of linguistic model state): This example is given to show how even such division of a state could play havoc in the case of history subject. The news appeared in 2015-2016 about the “history war” raging between the two states speaking the same language, but, try to be separate with two-Telugu-Tallis (Mothers), songs etc. ironically, Andhra was the first state to be formed based on the language after the introduction of the Indian Constitution. The Telangana government wanted all chapters related to Andhra history or culture to be deleted from school textbooks[1], thus, “Telangana-centric”. The government has formed two committees to review the syllabus for social studies and Telugu and add Telangana centric chapters[2]. Officials said this would not affect students in examinations since each state prepares its own question papers[3]. The existing curriculum also has very little reference to other states in the country and many Telangana writers and poets say that it is loaded with literature from Andhra region, while that from Telangana has been stamped upon and completely eliminated[4]. It is learnt that education minister G. Jagdish Reddy has already told the committees to remove Andhra-related material and said that anything related to the history of Andhra or literature by writers and poets from Andhra should not be present in the curriculum. “Instructions are very clear. Nothing related to Andhra’s culture or history should be there. Everything should be from Telangana’s perspective. Obviously, references will be there in some parts but anything exclusively about Andhra region is to be removed,” a senior official said. 

How poets, poetry, literatue can be divided – is not known: S. Jagannath Reddy, director, State Council of Educational Research and Training said, “For instance, if there is a chapter related to some poet from Andhra, it will be removed and Telangana related coursework will be added. The government also does not want the curriculum to be inflated to include aspects related to both states. TRS election manifesto also promised that the history and culture of Telangana will be included in school text books. “We can expand that course work but exactly what to delete and what to add will be decided once the committees meets. Really, it is a wonder how the people speaking the same language with the same literature, culture, tradition, heritage etc., could divide “history” separately. In fact, historians should have taken serious concern about this, but, because of politics, politicized academics, commercialized education, state-owned interests etc., the academicians work with the politicians.

Formation of Telangana History Council: To focus on the history of Telangana and to remove alleged bias and prejudice from history textbooks, a clutch of former officials and civilians formed the Telangana Council of Historical Research (TCHR). Over concerns that facts pertaining to Telangana history and culture are distorted heavily, the Telangana Council of Historical Research (TCHR) was established on Thursday, 08-02-2019. “History is being written based on hearsay, lore and people’s memories. We want an authentic history of the region based on evidence like numismatics and documents. We will focus on research just like the Indian Council of Historical Research,” said L. Pandu Ranga Reddy of TCHR at the presser organised on Thursday afternoon[5]. “The TCHR has scholars of history, students and citizens interested in knowing the past. Only if we know our history can we create history. There is a lot of ignorance and agenda in the way history is being taught and reported,”said T. Vivek of TCHR[6]. “We intend to rectify the distortion by promoting studies on India and the Deccan in general and Telangana in particular, co-ordinate with similar organisations, serve as a forum for exchange of views through sessions and help in locating and preserving sources of information of historical nature,” TCHR president G Venkatram Reddy and secretary T Vivek said on Thursday[7]. TCHR comprises history scholars, students and aficionados interested in knowing the past and concerned about the present of the state[8].

Divided by all means- How?: “History as a discipline of social science has receded in priority in academic pursuits due to overemphasis on technical education,” the president added. “The TCHR has scholars of history, students and citizens interested in knowing the past. Only if we know our history can we create history. There is a lot of ignorance and agenda in the way history is being taught and reported,” said T. Vivek of TCHR. Members of the organisation recently submitted a memorandum to the Governor about the mistakes in a history book The Telangana Movement — State Formation . “Here is a list of mistakes. If all the mistakes are compiled it will become another book. How can a government organisation bring out a book like this?” said Mr. Vivek questioning the low standards of the book. “We will bring out books and put our research in public domain so that citizens of the region can have a better understanding of their glorious history,” said Kolluri Chiranjeevi of TCHR.

Regional history versus national history: Regional history could be interesting for a researcher, as it could be studied in a focused way. But, politicized and regionalized history poses another challenge like Telugu speaking try to have two different histories. Tamilnadu has already been displaying separatist tendencies with “dravidian” ideology

 Since the early days. The “dravidian” connotation has always been race-oriented, racist and racialist also. Such propagandists propagate “histories” beyond limits. It is not known, if each state follows the suit. It is said that there were 56 small states / kingdoms in “Bharat” including present Pakistan, Afghanistan,  Burma, Sri Lanka etc. Whether jobs are provided to history students or not, much fuss is made about “state,” “nation,” “nation-state,” “country,” “sub-continent,” “union of states,” and so on. Thus, it is evident that history is ideologized, politicized and  subjected linguistic, racial and other propagandas to divide people.

History is for all of us: In fact, for Indians, the “historical consciousness” has been more going back to millions of years and therefore, they had / have their own way of recording their “historical events.” The British or most of the European “history experts” evidently could not understand such “historical memory,” as they were having such “historical stupor” and “historical bias” against the Indians. Indian history has been interwoven with the mountains, trees, rivers, waters, animals, birds and of course fellow human-beings.  They have been interacting with living and non-living things together and hence the outcome evidences have been living in the form of material and non-material culture forever. In short, all are coming out of “panha-bhutas” and going back to them. The archaeologists, anthropologists, geologists and others may call such processes as global warming and cooling, ice age, glaciations etc. Indians have round te year, month-wise, week-wise, day-wise functions, rituals, rites, sacraments, celebrations etc., in which the whole Indian population participates in one way or the other.

Indian historians, history writers and others also follow imported methodologies and work as slaves: Every Indian history reader easily finds out that that something is wrong with it. The more the Indians know about the histories of others, the more they come to know that Indian history has not been treated properly. When the so-called, Babylonian, Assyrian, Akkadian, Chinese, Egyptian, Persian, Roman, Greek or and other civilization, Indian had always been contemporary, how is that the other civilizations were great, but India was nor great and even prehistoric, without any history, script etc. when all those civilizations disappeared except China, how is that India could be insignificant, useless and always borrowing from others. That Indian and China had and have been only the two continuously living civilizations proves that the glorified other civilizations were lacking something. In the modern, present-day and historiographical context, the Chinese have developed their own history, whereas, for India, tere is no such history or historiography. As noted for the last 70 years, the Marxist and leftist historians have been dominating and they even condemned the monuments works of Romesh Chandra Dutt, Jadunath Sircar, S. R. Rao etc., as “nationalistic” oriented. When they have been non-Indian oriented actually following borrowed ideology and interpret Indian history, how can they dub others as so. In fact, they themselves can be branded as the Marxist and leftist historians not doing any justice to Indian history in the right perspective. Ironically, they never had dealt with the history of science and technology of Indian civilization of various periods comparing with the other contemporary civilizations.

© K. V. Ramakrishna Rao


[1] DECCAN CHRONICLE, Telangana to erase Andhra Pradesh history from school text books, DC CORRESPONDENT, Published: Sep 12, 2014, 6:56 am IST: Updated” Mar 31, 2019, 5:22 am IST.


[3] Career India, Telangana to remove history of Andhra Pradesh from school textbooks, By Adarsha St, Published: Friday, September 12, 2014, 12:19 [IST].

[4] – :~:text=On%20a%20serious%20note%2C%20Telangana,for%20the%20schools%20in%20Telangana.

[5] The Hindu, Efforts to depict history without bias, SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT, HYDERABAD: FEBRUARY 08, 2019 00:24 IST; UPDATED: FEBRUARY 08, 2019 00:24 IST.


[7] Times of India, Council set to save Telangana history of ‘distortions’, TNN / Updated: Feb 8, 2019, 09:25 IST.


The National Seminar on Rural Society, Culture and Economy in Telangana –  Historical Perspective – held at the Kakatiya University on March 14th and 15th 2020 [2]  

The National Seminar on Rural Society, Culture and Economy in Telangana –  Historical Perspective – held at the Kakatiya University on March 14th and 15th 2020 [2]

Inagural function- lighting lamp

Keynote address by Adapa Sathyanarayana 11.07to 11.55 am: He started his presentation with “Namaskaram”! He praised Sudharshan Rao, remembered A. Bobbili and then touched upon his topic. S. Kesava Iyengar has studied the earlier Hyderabad state and brought out details of Telangana villages in his two volumes published in 1931. According to Adapa, the “Arya vartha” is different from that of the Telangana village / society / economy, because, here, there was no varna system. In “Aryavartha,” the lands were owned by the “dwijas” – Brahmins and Khatriyas, whereas, here, “Dora-Patel-Patwari-Komiti[10]” were controlling. In Telangana, no Khsatriya was there. The autonomy of Teangana villages were there and they continued up to 19th century. “Dora” as a political organization / status / excessive power / exploitation developed and was the reason for the 1915 armed struggle[11]. The 150 years “Dora” system survived as the integral institution of Telangana. The concept, “coercion and consent” worked faithfully in the Telangana “village republic”.  Islam, Sufism, Christianity have been here, but, anti-Islam was a different aspect in Telangana, because of Razak Khan atrocities. Kutub Shahis were not crusaders. The caturvarna is not here, but, “Dora-Patel-Patwari-Komuti” type system existed.

News cutting, Telugu, Vijayababu-3

V. Ramesh, Dean, Social Sciences: He had dealt with the issue in sociological angle. In fact, the sociological issues are only, now, discussed in “historical” façade. He pointed out that agricultural, industrial and IT revolutions have affected and changed society much.

News cutting, Telugu, Vijayababu-1

Murali Manohar, DDE to 12.20 pm: He responded specifically and briefed them into three points.

1.       Using the henchmen / private army to collect revenue: He pointed out that every tax-collector used henchmen to collect revenue. To establish control over the lands and land revenue, they used such power centres, and they were called as “Gadee.”

2.      Most of the rulers of Telangana had been coming from outside:  The dominant Reddy-Khamma-Velama were only ruling and collecting taxes using private armies. Thus, they had control over the economy by means of productive resources – hills, rivers, lands etc. They became “Doras” coming from outside and now the corporates have replaced them. Yet, it is well known how “Reddy families” have been controlling industries and business. Even in villages, they have control over fertilizer shops and others, keeping nearby places and making farmers to come to their places to buy.  Because of these dominance only, the Naxalite and Telengana armed struggle movements developed.

3.      Researchers and historians have to answer or find out as to “why these practices are continuing?” Indirectly, he was refuting the theory of Adapa and responding to the issues raised by him.

News cutting, Telugu, Vijayababu-2

David, Principal, Local Arts College 12.22 to 12.30 pm: As he is a science professor, he pointed out that Indian spirituality has been accommodative and hence treated everything divine. As Indians believed everything is divine, they could worship stone hills, trees, rivers, and so on as gods and goddesses. God is white in Europe, black in Africa and brown in India. Brahma is brown. Energy is there everywhere, it is there in the atom. Thus, the festivals are celebrated in all forms. “daitya-shudra” types of gods, goddesses and festivals are there to satisfy all. Therefore the SC-ST-BC-Minority unity should be preserved.

Sudharshan Rao, Chief Guest 12.31 to 1.14 pm: In his presidential address, he was responding to his preceding speakers. He pointed out that the statistical data study in history cannot be accepted, as the data differ and all cannot be equated to form any theory to come to a conclusion. The British method of revenue collection as continued through the Dakkani Mohammedan rulers. Vinoba Bhave’s  “Bhudhan movement” was unique, as he tried to distribute lands to landless people. But, it is not know, how the lands were distributed. Had the lands been distributed, perhaps, there would not be any people without lands.

The first technical session was held in the mini-seminar hall, as the papers were with PPT. The [paper presenters were – Linga Panduranga Reddy, Anjaiah K. V. Ramakrishna Rao and  Kishan Rao.

Paper presentation, mini-hall, 14-03-2020

Capt L Panduranga Reddy (retd), presented a paper on the significance of “Fazli year” followed by the Moghuls for the purpose of revenue collection.

Linga Reddy, Fasli year

Prof. Srinath presented a paper in Telugu, based on a novel in Telugu. The narratives given in a novel are taken for the social divisions and struggle for interpretation.

Srinath presenting paper, mini-hall, 14-03-2020

Dr G. Anjaiah detailed about the harmony of places of worship and certain festivals celebrated in Telangana.

G. Anjaiah

K. V. Ramakrishna Rao presented his paper on “Quarrying, granites and politics: Internal consumption for cultural development or export for economic exploitation?”

KVR presents paper

Prof V. Jaikishan presented a paper on wootz steel manufactured in Telangana for thousands of years.

Srinathe chaired the second session

After PPT presentation, the technical session continued at the seminar hall, where the second session was chaired by Prof Srinath and papers presented. As usual most of the papers had been of the repetitive nature, in the sense that such narratives, papers and books have already been available and the paper-readers tell nothing new.

  1. Ironically, the paper-readers who talk about Muharram do not know which sect of Islam celebrate. Coming to Sufism, it is evident that they do not the fundamentals. Just by reading books or taking such narratives from others, they are reading papers and even try to conclude that such and such conclusions are applicable to entire Telangana, Telugu speaking people and even whole India.
  1. Conversion to Islam – here also, the paper-readers do not the significance of caste and class as per the provisions of the constitution. Any person converting Islam, becomes a Muslim and he is strictly or supposed to follow the basic tenets of Islam without fail. However, what happens when a Hindu converts into Islam, what happens to his caste, they do not know.
  1. Madigas becoming Mohammedans and becoming pir – One paper-reader claimed that the SC converting to Islam is elevated and even becomes Imam and Pir and they are respected.  When asked, in which denomination, the converted SC would get and the Jamat would issue a certificate, he could not answer.
  1. I note that most of the papers on “kullayappa, kullayaswamy, topiwala sahib, turuka devadu, pir-sawmi ”etc., rely upon the local narratives and of course the book of Afsar Mohammed[12]. However, had the paper-readers read his book carefully, they would not have come to such conclusions.
  1. First of all, historians cannot use the term “dalit,” like journalists or populist writers or politicians who talk on stages. I pointed out / have been pointing out for many years, as the National Commission for SC and ST long back issued instructions. Recently, the Communist government of Kerala also issued such instructions. Yet, the paper-readers use such expressions without understanding the Presidential Order, 1950 and many Supreme and High Court judgments.

© K. V. Ramakrishna Rao


second session, 14-03-2020

[1] From the brochure sent by the organizers. He read from the brochure, as I could follow him carefully.

[2] : Tradition says that the velamas were in race of Khastriya, who ruled over the country to the north of Narmada river. As they vanquished by a mightier people Raja Pratapa Rudra of Kakatiya dynasty attracted by their physique and commanding features welcomed them to his Kingdom and conferred on them the command of 77 forts in his kingdom. They gradually became agriculturists and traders. In Telangana their main occupation is agriculture. Many of them held lands and worked as tenants. A few of the velamas were rich landlords and village officers.

[3] The social conditions of Jagirdari village are revealed round the Gadee in 19th, and first half of the 20th century. Gadee is the residue place of Dora, in which he lives with his family members, Adabapa and Dasis (slave girls) and their children and a large number of vetti workers and bhagelas This place is the centre of political, social and economical activities. What decision was taken in Gadee is implemented in Jagir village. These Gadees persisted in 19th century and first half of the 20th century.

[4] This system prevails in Telangana during 19 th century and first half of the 20th century. By the 18th century in deccan, political stabilisation was established by Asafjahs. They initiated various tenures to bring the land under cultivation. “Like most of the Deccan states, in Telangana too “bara balutadars” played an important role in colonising the region and setting up villages and developing agriculture”

[5] The deshmukhs in the process of becoming landlords with their own patta lands practically usurped the authority of the state and kept the whole countryside in their possession to establish their Rajyam. They established their authority over government property. They established their supremacy over wastelands, government lands, trees, tanks, steams in the village. They imposed restriction on peasants and shepherds grazing their cattle and on labourers collecting firewood from such common resource lands.

[6] From the brochure sent by the organizers. He read from the brochure, as I could follow him carefully

[7] From the brochure sent by the organizers. He read from the brochure, as I could follow him carefully

[8] From the brochure sent by the organizers. He read from the brochure, as I could follow him carefully

[9] From the brochure sent by the organizers. He read from the brochure, as I could follow him carefully

[10] Komatis are an integral part of the peasant society. This is the name for Telugu traders, shopkeepers and money lenders mostly found in Telangana. They played crucial role in agricultural finance and benefitted immensely. It is considered to be a wealthy and prosperous caste. They were mainly found in their traditional occupation i.e. trade, commerce and money lending. Very few of them worked as cultivators and agricultural labourers.

[11] During late nineteenth century the deshmukhs in the process of becoming land lords usurped the authority of the state and kept the whole country side in their possession and established Dorala rajyam. In Nalgonda District the most notorious, dora families were Rapaka, Janna Reddy, Nukala, Rama Sahayam, Pingali and Lingala. The number of families increased in last quarter of nineteenth century through the matrimonial relations established with the doras and following the doras practices. New Doras converted these services castes as “Vetti workers”. Untouchables and low caste peoples were converted as “bhagela”s. As the landlords owned large land fields due to reforms of Salarjung and they were forced to cultivate commercial crops like castor and groundnut by the British. These circumstances forced the landlords to introduce vetti and bhagela system.

[12] Afsar Mohammed, The Festival of Pirs – popular Islam and Shared Devotion in South India, Oxford University Press, USA, 2016.

The Fifth Telangana History Congress held at Nadigudem, Suryapet, Telangana on January 19th and 20th 2020 concluded! [4]

The Fifth Telangana History Congress held at Nadigudem, Suryapet, Telangana on January 19th and 20th 2020 concluded! [4]

KVR presenting his paper PPT not clear-4

When I presented my paper, Prof T. Manohar, HOD, History Depot, Kakatiya University, Warangal, was chairing the session

Dolmen found at Nadigudem MLK Murthy

I started with the dolmen found at Nadigudem in Nalgonda District, as discovered and reported by M.L.K. Murthy,

Neoloithic axes found at Nadigudem MLK Murthy

Neolithic axes found at Nadigudem in Nalgonda District, as discovered and reported by M.L.K. Murthy,

Stone Art and Architecture: Manufacture of stone temples, houses, utensils, jars, tubs and others: The technology behind and the tools used: I presented my paper on this topic. I started with archaeological evidence found at Nadigudem and proceeded to cover other aspects. Nadigudem has been situated in a hilly area with Paleolithic cultural evidences. M.L.K. Murthy[1] has pointed out the presence of prehistoric men with the discovery of dolmen and Paleolithic axes at Nadigudem, Nalgonda district. The megalithic sites, burials and related details of the Telangana state have been tabulated in the Appendix-II. As Telangana has been naturally formed hilly area with mineral deposits, men had been exploiting stone and stone implements made thereof. It is not that usage of stone utensils, implements and gadgets that could be considered as megalithic, Neolithic or any lithic culture, but, even in modern culture, it is used for durable and preservative nature. About the availability of ironworking in Telangana, reports have already been published[2]. Therefore, naturally, Telangana people must have worked with stones to manufacture marvellous specimens with high tensile Ferroalloy tools. Thus, stone Art and Architecture, manufacture of stone temples, houses, utensils, jars, tubs and others,  the science and technology behind and the tools used, are studied in this paper with the available evidences of Telangana, Andhra and neighbouring states of Tamilnadu, and Karnataka. Telangana archaeologists have discovered many megalithic, neolithic sites [Pullur banda, Gondimalla, Peddamarur etc] with specimens that prove the stone working capabilities of men going back to c.2000 BCE[3]. After giving many examples, I concluded as follows.

KVR presenting his paper PPT not clear

I showed many examples stone utensils etc., to prove how the stone was worked with tools according to the requirements of men’s usage.

Telangana 40 Mt crane was used

A huge capstone was used to cover a menhir-type prehistoric burial site in Neremetta. The crane from Hyderabad took four hours to lift the 40 ton capstone

The preference, uniqueness and usage of stone for all purposes (In lieu of conclusion): From the above discussion, the points are summarized as conclusion:

  1. The Indian selection of stone for many purposes in the art and architecture has been unique. Researchers note that not only the historians, archaeologists and art experts differ in dating IVC, IVC artefacts, Vedic civilization and literature, but also in dating available stone art specimens of all forms.
  2. Stone has been formed with the creation of earth as a part of Panchabhutas. As a human body with life has been made of Panchabhutas, the stone has been unique, pure and lasts forever. Thus, anything made of stone, preserved in stone, lived with stone would have a long life without degradation.
  3. Sila was considered divine and ‘Salagrama’ is treated and worshipped as ‘stone-god,’ nature carved Idol of God manifested.
  4. Thus, the Vedic people referred to live in forests and hilly areas, so that they could get all their requirements.
  5. The Jains and the Buddhists differed, thus, they located their paces at remote places at the hilly places and viharas. They had to come to villages and cities for their requirements.
  6. Thus, stone art developed and progressed in one way or the other, giving employment to thousands of people.
  7. During their periods, the quarrying and deforestation were undertaken in a balanced way, so that there were no ecological imbalances. As the population increased, cities multiplied, imbalances had crept into.
  8. Modern methods of exploitations, including quarrying and infrastructure development activities, make many monuments disturbed, displaced and disappeared.
  9. The uniqueness of /Indian stone art expertise, skill in the carving, particularly rock-art architecture and other features has bee unparalleled. Whether the material evidences came first and the architectural manuals composed later or vice versa, both had been in existence definitely 2000 to 5000 YBP depending upon various experts, different theories and varied chronologies.
  10. In any case, the Indians have been so fascinated with stones and rocks of all forms, used and benefited by their use, and lived with them, that they have not disturbed the ecological imbalances, as modern men do.

Nadigudem 2020-KVR presenting paper-3

I showed many examples stone utensils etc., to prove how the stone was worked with tools according to the requirements of men’s usage.

Bell made of stone hanging in stone chain, at the temple, Brahmadesam, Tirunelveli

Bell made of stone hanging in a stone chain – the technology and the tools used behind the manufacture should be considered, appreciated and understood

Stone tub, Kudakkovil, Tirumangalam Taluk, Madurai

Stone trough, tub, tank could be found in many places. They were used for storing water, food etc., catering to the need of the travellers etc.

The stone tub found at Big temple, Tanjore-1

This tub with inlet, outlet etc., is found in the Big Temple, Tanjore, reportedly used by Rajaraja Chola.

The stone tub found at Big temple, Tanjore-2

This tub with inlet, outlet etc., is found in the Big Temple, Tanjore, reportedly used by Rajaraja Chola. Again the point is the ferroalloy tools used to cut, shape, polish and bring out such item made of stone.

Stone trough, Sivanagi Reddy

A 15th century stone trough spotted on the right bank of the river Krishna at Tangeda village in Dachepalli mandal of Guntur district. The trough chiselled out in Palnadu lime stone measuring 15ft x 3ft x 3ft with a depth of one foot from the River Krishna to facilitate drinking water for elephants during 15th century

Christian Missionaries: John David resented a paper on the role of Christian missionaries for promoting education, health etc. His way of presentation and the concepts of the [paper show that it was of nature of propaganda. He was quoting biblical verses exhaustively to prove that Jesus Christ was a good healer and so on. Of course, Rekha Pande questioned him, after the presentation.

KVR presenting his paper -audience-1

Importance of Nelakondapalli Buddhist site from Khammam district in Telangana state[4]: G.Chandra Reddy presented this paper. He gave the findings of Maga-stupa, Viharas, Votive stupa, throne, Buddha figures and concluded that Nelakondapalli Buddhist site could be developed into a Buddhist hub to attract international tourists. Therefore, the Telangana government should take steps for tourism development.

KVR presenting his paper -audience-2

Return to Chennai: The paper-reading session was over and the General Secretary opined that paper presenter should be available to listen to other paper presenters also. One should not just read paper and go away. Such trend should not be encouraged. But, the day before, they themselves announced that those who wanted to go immediately, they could read their papers, as pointed out above.  After lunch, I decided to proceed to Suryapet, as /I had to vacate the room and proceed to Khammam to catch my train to Chennai. So I came out of the venue and stood on the road near the entrance to request any car that might go to the main road / NH.  After some time, I saw one car coming out and I requested them, the person inside was kind enough to agree to drop me on the NH. Thus, I reached the main road at Barkataguda. Then, I got a share-cab to reach Suryapet junction by 3.30pm. I went to the hotel to know that my room-mate and other friends had already checked out and gone. Therefore, I took rest, packed up my luggage and checked out by 4.45 pm. I proceeded to the main road, where I could get a bus to Khammam. By 7.00 pm, I reached khammam BS and then RS by 7.30 pm. As my train G. T. Express would come by 9.00 pm, I was sitting there watching the passengers and trains going to and fro. The train came by one hour late i,e, 10.00 pm. I got into the train to settle down. After few stations, I had the same problem of many passengers just getting inside and filling up space. Of course, this time, there was an objection from co-passengers also, therefore, we could control them. Definitely, I had the most tedious, wearisome and difficult journey to attend one conference with inherent and other difficulties, as explained and pointed out above, in my life time. As the organizers have been well experienced, highly knowledgeable and veterans in the field, they should see that their logistics would satisfy the minimum requirements of the delegates coming to attend the seminar / conference.  It is not that satisfying 10 and ignoring 90 out of 100, as all pay the delegates fees. Therefore, they may have a feeling,  why should spend thousands of rupees to undergo such treatment. Therefore, if these basics are not taken care of, days are near for the history  congress to wind up their activities.

Nadigudem 2020-KVR presenting paper-audience-4

How to strengthen History Congresses?: Having attended more than 700 national and international conferences, seminars, workshops, and other academic meetings, gatherings etc., presented 700 papers, published 300 papers, and personally interacted with thousands of students, faculties, historians, archaeologists etc., I would like to submit the following to the organizers, conductors of the history congresses:

  1. Plan systematically about the delegates reception, transport accommodation, food, kit with list of papers, academic sessions etc., in advance.
  2. There is no meaning in forming so many committees with all A to Z names, but, with “do not care” towards delegates.
  3. Take enough money, but, provide reasonable accommodation, food, transport etc.
  4. With experience, I can tell with delegate fees, sponsorship, donation etc., the organizers get enough money and therefore, there is no problem in proving such facilities.
  5. Satisfying coterie type people and harassing others is not the way of conduct of any congress, seminar or conference.
  6. By sharing, cooking for 100s / 1000s, a lot of money can be saved, therefore, they should provide to the delegates back.
  7. If they cannot or not able to do so, do not conduct, keep quite.
  8. By getting delegates or crowd only, you can conduct and therefore, the organizers cannot ignore or harass delegates.
  9. The delegates incur thousands of rupees by coming from distant places. The serious delegates would definitely feel and understand the mishandling of the proceedings.
  10. Therefore, plan, take care of the delegates and conduct, otherwise forget the tamasha, jathra or get-together like gatherings.

© K. V. Ramakrishna Rao


KVR with the folk artists

Nadigudem 2020-KVR, news cutting

[1] Murty, M. L. K., ed. Pre-and Protohistoric Andhra Pradesh up to 500 bc. Vol. 1. Orient Blackswan, 2003, p.89, 104.

[2] Juleff, G., Sharada Srinivasan, and S. Ranganathan. Pioneering Metallurgy: The origins of iron and steel making in the Southern Indian subcontinent Telangana Field Survey Interim Report 2011, National Institute of Advanced Studies, 2011.

[3] K.P. Rao, Iron Age Culture in South India: Telangana and Andhra Pradesh in Akinori Uesugi (ed.), Iron Age in South Asia, Archaeological Research Institute, Kansai University, 2018, pp.129-144.

[4] His  paper – summary – has been printed in the Souvenir of the Telangana History Congress, the Annual Conference 2020, p.34.

The Fifth Telangana History Congress held at Nadigudem, Suryapet, Telangana on January 19th and 20th 2020 – after DACRI, THC started! [3]

The Fifth Telangana History Congress held at Nadigudem, Suryapet, Telangana on January 19th and 20th 2020 – after DACRI, THC started! [3]

THC, Ndigudem, Telangana Tosay -1

Telangana Proceedings started by afternoon of 18-01-2020: The actual THC  proceedings started about 1.00 pm with the president’s speech about it and introducing the sectional presidents of different sections. After lunch, the sectional presidents started reading their papers as usual from the printed booklet, printed and distributed to the delegates. Of course, now, because of time, they briefed for 10-15 minutes.

Sl. No Name Dr / Prof Section Topic / title of the paper read
1 K. P. Rao Ancient Telangana, the past and present duty
2 Rekha Pande Medieval Making history inclusive – rethinking women’s history and new categories = A case study of the temple girls in medieval Deccan.
3 Deepak Kumar Modern Why Histem?
4 Kurra Jitendra Babu Local The importance of local history

Though, these had been nominated / chosen by the EC for conducting the respective sessions, they could not perform their duties. The paper-presenters were allowed to read papers according to their convenience in the same place. The sectional presidents did not have any role in the proceedings. Then, those who wanted to leave might come and present papers, as announced by the organizers. That meant they could come, just read paper, get a certificate and went away without any active participation in the conference.

THC inagural audience-1

The concept of India: Thus, a person from Hyderabad presented the paper, “Concept of India”. He was trying to interpret that only Mohammedans through their language and literature mentioned about “India.” Hindavi language was spoken in and around Delhi. Amir Khusrow, who lived in the thirteenth century during the Delhi Sultanate period in North India, used these forms (which was the lingua franca of the period) in his writings and referred to it as Hindavi (Persian: ھندوی‎ literally “of Hindus or Indians”). The Delhi Sultanate, which comprised several Turkic and Afghan dynasties that ruled much of the subcontinent from Delhi, was succeeded by the Mughal Empire in 1526. He also quoted from Irfan Habib[1], “The first patriotic poem in which India is praised, India is loved, Indians are acclaimed is Amir Khusrau’s long poem in his Nuh Sipihir written in 1318”. Actually, Amir Khusrow’s poems were collected later, as his originals were not available. The Sufi literature influenced by the Bakti literature incorporated Krishna and Rama and even compared with Allah. Allah is compared with Ram, the Zam Zam water with the Ganges waters, Mecca with Kasi and so on. Really, I could not understand the purpose and purport of this paper read in this conference, because, without knowing India, none could have wanted to come to India. I did not know Nadigudem, but, somehow reached here from Chennai, then, I could not say how Nadigudem became a samasthanam, village, pargana and so on!

THC inagural audience-2

Kakatiya rulers and Mohammedans[2]: Then, Amarnath, a research student from Kakatiya university presented a paper in Telugu about the Kakatiya rulers and the Mohammedans and the encounters between them, particularly, how Musurnuru Kappayya Nayaka faced them. Musunuri Kapaya Nayaka (r. 1333–1368) led a larger rebellion against the Tughluq rule, driving it out of Warangal in 1336. According to the Kaluvacheru grant of Anithalli, a female member of the Panta Reddi clan in 1423, Kapaya Nayaka was assisted by 75 Nayakas. The grant also states that Prolaya Vema Reddi was one among these 75 Nayakas, but this is doubtful. Muhammad bin Tughluq, who became the Sultan of Delhi in 1324, witnessed numerous rebellions starting in 1330, first in the immediate vicinity in the Ganga-Yamuna doab, which caused a famine in Delhi, and rebellions within ranks in Ma’bar (Madurai) and Bengal. It is possible that Kapaya Nayaka advanced in the direction of Warangal in this period, acquiring some of its territories. Consequently, Telangana was also counted among the rebellious territories.

Nadigudem 2020-old photo-8

In 1334–35, the Sultan marched on Deccan in an attempt to quell the rebellions, but his army was struck by some kind of epidemic and the Sultan himself fell gravely ill. In the meantime, Ferishta narrates that Kapaya Nayaka approached the Hoysala ruler Veera Ballala III for assistance in evicting the Sultanate from Warangal. After consideration, assistance was offered. Bilal Dew [Ballala], convened a meeting of his kinsmen and resolved, first, to secure the forts of his own country. and then to remove his seat of government among the mountains. Krishn Naig [Kapaya Nayak] promised, on his part also, that when their plans were ripe for execution, to raise all the Hindoos of Wurungole and Telingana and put himself at their head…. He (Bilal Dew) then raised an army and put part of it under the command of Krishn Naig, who reduced Wurungole and compelled Imad-ool-Moolk, the governor, to retreat to Dowlatabad [Daulatabad] — Ferishta, Tarikh-i-farishti (c. 1600). Historian R. C. Majumdar characterises it as a ‘national revolt’ backed up by a regular army. Malik Maqbul found himself unable to withstand the rebellion and fled to Delhi.

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Ferishta states that Kapaya Nayaka and Ballala III then jointly marched on the newly declared Madurai Sultanate and divested it of its outlying territories in particular Tondaimandalam. Kapaya Nayaka ruled over Telangana until 1368. Upon his death, the allied Nayakas are said to have returned to their own towns. Despite his opposition to the Turks, Kapaya Nayaka continued using the Kush Mahal built by the Turks in Warangal and adopted the Persianised title “Sultan of the Andhra country”. In 1361, he gifted to the Bahmani Sultan Mohammed Shah I the Turquoise Throne as part of a treaty agreement. He took control of Warangal from Malik Maqbul in 1336 and thus also of a wider swathe of eastern Telangana that was governed from there. He also tried to support other rebels in the surrounding areas, although in the case of aid given to Alauddin Bahman Shah, the outcome was that his fellow rebel turned on him. Several military engagements with Bahaman Shah followed over a period of years, during which Kapaya Nayaka had to cede various forts and territories. His weakened position was exploited by the Reddis and the Recherla Nayaks, the latter of whom caused his death in battle at Bhimavaram and ended the period of the Musunuri family.

THC inagural audience-5

The second day 20-01-2020 proceedings of the THC: Unlike yesterday, the huge crowd gathered, today, I could see only about 60 delegates sitting there. They were trying to arrange PPT provision also. It was giving some problem. The projected images were also not clear and therefore, they were covering the side portions of the stage with a cloth. Here, also, no paper list was provided. The organizers accepted that they received only about 20 papers, that too, titles, summaries and a few full papers. Coming to my case, though, I sent my paper through e-mail and acknowledged, it was not listed. Incidentally, I could find in the “Souvenir” though, 16 papers were listed and printed, I could note only five papers were presented and other paper-papers did not turn up. Then, it was added to be presented in the second session after tea break.  Thus, it is evident that the person-in-charge of “papers” had failed in his duty by not including my paper, though I have sent full paper by e-mail. Really, I do not know why it has been happening in my case then and there. As e-mail system cannot make any mistake, definitely, the persons involved in handling such system have been manipulating.

Ellamma, Renuka Devi

Ellamma, Renuka Devi cult: A retd. Prof from Kuppam university tried to argue that the Ellamma / Renuka Devi cult started from the Telangana state. He even tried to attribute the sculptures at Alampur to such a cult. The headless body fell at a place called as “Mundavalli,” where, Mundavelli temple is there near Alampur. It is clear that he was exaggerating and interpreting with a stretched explanation to locate the story in the Telangana area. Really, I do not know why certain paper readers, researchers and others have been trying to narrow down and locate everything in the Telangana geography.  Actually, the Yogamba / Jogalamba Devi temple is regarded as one of the Sakti-peetha, where, Sati Devi’s upper teeth fell. The original temples were destroyed by the Muslims in 1390 and it was rebuilt after  615 years i.e, in 2005.

Telangana manuscripts

Manuscript Heritage on the borders of Telangana[3]: Bujangarao Bode presented his paper on the topic mentioned. He was narrating in general, where manuscripts are there, how they are preserved, kept and neglected also. He was al accusing that some mss are missing from National archives, New Delhi. He also listed out the institutions and places where mss are available.

THC inagural audience-8

Telangs – The Mons of Burma and Thailand[4]: S. Uday Bhanu based on the secondary sources, the books are written by the European researchers on the SEA, quoting verbatim of their paragraphs, tried to interpret that the “Telengs” were Telangana people and the Muns / Mons were south Indians settled there in Burma.

© K. V. Ramakrishna Rao


THC, Ndigudem, Telangana Tosay -2

[1] Irfan Habib, Building the idea of India, Lecture delivered October 07, 2015 Kennedy Auditorium

Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh. the Idea of India.pdf

[2] His paper – summary – has been printed in the Souvenir of the Telangana History Congress, the Annual Conference 2020, p.32.

[3] His full paper has been printed in the Souvenir of the Telangana History Congress, the Annual Conference 2020, pp.24-30.

[4] His paper – summary – has been printed in the Souvenir of the Telangana History Congress, the Annual Conference 2020, pp.35-36.

The Fifth Telangana History Congress held at Nadigudem, Suryapet, Telangana on January 19th and 20th 2020 – DACRI overtook THC! [2]

The Fifth Telangana History Congress held at Nadigudem, Suryapet, Telangana on January 19th and 20th 2020 – DACRI overtook THC! [2]

Mandali Buddha and others

The contents of research should reach the public: Mandali Buddha Prasad started giving details of Nayani Venkat Rao as a Diwan, pointing out that it was just like a Sultan. He was using the expression, “Telugu jati / caste,” just like that of “Tamil inam / race” as that of the Dravidian politicians. He praised Jitendra Babu like anything and then explaining the activities of Nayani Rangarao about his contribution to Telugu promotion, attempt to collect inscriptions etc. He pointed out that the research done by the researchers are not reaching the public. The research papers should be translated into other languages so that the researched contents could reach others. Telugu people do not care for their language, unlike Tamil and Kannada people.

swamiji and the heirs of gadi

The concepts should be Indianized for easy understanding: On Saturday, the renovated fort / palace was inaugurated by Hampi Sri Virupaksha Vidyaranya Mahasamsthanam pontiff Sri Vidyaranya Bharathi Swami[1]. He elaborately explained how the British, through, Macaulay system, has spoiled the Indian society[2]. The educational system should be Indianized to suit Indian ethos and culture. He gave examples of how the teaching of numbers could be linked with Indian factors / concepts.

1.       God is one

2.      Two epics

3.      Trimurti

4.      Four Vedas

5.      Pancha Pandavas

6.      Shamata

7.      Sapta Rishis

8.     Asta Dik palakas

9.      Nine grahas / planets

10.  Dasavatara


The linguistic pride and love are required to protect the language speaking to survive[3]. In today’s society, people who have been seduced by Western culture are ignoring the mother tongue[4]. The country is evolving with all creatures doing good in creation[5]. People who say they are doing good to all deities are ignoring them today. As the history and culture of Telangana is narrowing, the Telangana History Congress wants to preserve and preserve them. In today’s society, people are suffering from serious illnesses and financial difficulties towards linguistic craze. It is urged to reduce such cravings. Ashtalakshmi is a constant place where the three mothers of the country, India, Gomata and Gayatriman are worshipped. Worshipping Gomata is like worshipping Goddesses. Some states in the country are trying to increase the number of toads. Brazil owns 90 per cent of the worlds. Saudi Arabia is home to some of the world’s largest spheres. Read the history .. Get the power said the same is Sriramaraksha for India. Today, education and medicine have gone to corporate level.

Nadigudem 2020-Hampi mattipati inaugurated

India – Indian Nation Declared In August is not INDIA: India is nor Bharath, as we respect Bharath as our mother, “Bharat Mata.” We have to respect three mothers[6]

  1. Bharatmata- Desa, nation
  2. Gomata – the Cow
  3. Gayathrimata – temples, schools etc.

These three mothers are important for Indians. The cow would not eat anything and everything, whatever is offered, first, it would smell it and if it is acceptable to it only, it would eat. Brazil has 90% breeds of famous cows. Saudi Arabia has big gosala, from where the ruling sheikhs get good cow milk they drink. Whereas, we Indians do not give importance to cow. For the medicinal value, foreign companies get patents for cow urine products.

THC Invitation 19th inauguration-audience

Chennuri Ajaneya Reddy IPS pointed out that though Nizam followed Persian etc., the Sammasthanamas followed Telugu only. The Telugu script should be modified. Now, the news appearing in the dailies are taken up and mixed with the write-up of the proceedings of mine.

THC Invitation 19th inauguration-audience.2

How the Munagala gadi has gone to DACRI: Once a fort of Raja Nayani Venkata Ranga Rao of Munagala Paragana (province), located at Nadigudi in Suryapet district, is now a research centre of the Deccan Archaeological and Cultural Research Institute (DACRI). The DACRI was set up in the fort of Rajanayani Venkata Ranga Rao in Mungala mandal, which is familiarly known as “Nedigudem gadi”, on Saturday, 18-01-2020[7]. On the request of Director of DACRI Kurtra Jithendra Babu, the sons of late Ranga Rao came forward to give the ancient and historical structure for setting up the research centre. It houses over 2.5 lakh rare books and over one lakh palm-leaf manuscripts. The fort, built in 1870, was handed over to the DACRI six months ago [July 2019] after its director, Kurra Jitendra Babu, requested Santosh Reddy, the grandson of Nayani Venkata Ranga Rao, to do so to develop it into a research centre[8]. This implies that the work had been going on since July 2019.

THC Invitation 19th inauguration-audience.3

The Deccan Archaeological and Cultural Research Institute (DACRI) was given importance than THC: Though there was a demand from the local people to develop the structure as a historic tourism spot, the successive governments have not shown interest. With the initiative of DACRI, Nadigudem gadi was renovated at last. When Pingalai Venkaiah who was working in Nadigudem gadi, designed the flag for the Indian National Congress, which spearheaded the freedom movement. A two-day Telangana History Congress was being conducted by DACRI on its premises. Viroopaksha Vidhyaranya Peethan priest Jagdguru Vidhyaranya Bharatahi formally inaugurated the centre. Speaking on the occasion, Jithendra Babu said that their institute in Nadigudem gadi would facilitate as a reach centre for history and culture. About 2.5 lakh books would be made available in the centre. Telangana History Congress president Vaikuntam and historians were also attended the programme.

THC, Ndigudem, Enadu cutting-telugu

The speakers at the DACRI inauguration function: Among those who were present include Santosh Reddy, Veamana Peetham president Ch Anjaneya Reddy, Telangana History Congress president Vaikuntham, former MLC Mandali Buddha Prasad and others[9]. Speaking on the occasion, the DACRI director said it would take around 200 years to translate and print all the books that were at the research centre[10]. Meanwhile, the residents of Nadigudi expressed happiness over their village housing the research centre. The two-day meeting of the Telangana History Congress too began at the newly-inaugurated research centre on Saturday. As many as 10 books were released during the meeting. Thus, the press covered the event.

THC, Ndigudem, Indian Express

Temple architecture – Special lecture by Sivanagi Reddy[11]: After inauguration, there was a special lecture by Sivanagi Reddy, who delved upon the temple architecture, different types of temples etc. He started quoting from Swami Vivekananda, “The more you look behind, the more sakti you would get.” The architectural principles of Hindu temples in India are described in Shilpa Shastra. Shilpa Shastra mentions three main type of temple architecture – Nagara or the Northern style, the Dravida or the Southern style and the Vesara or Mixed style. The form and meanings of architectural elements in a Hindu temple are designed to function as the place where it is the link between man and the divine, to help his progress to spiritual knowledge and truth, his liberation it calls moksha. Temple architecture evolved slightly differently in a different region. Shilpa Shastras mentions three main type of temple architecture. Three main styles of temple architecture are the Nagara or the Northern style, the Dravida or the Southern style and the Vesara or Mixed style. But at the same time, there are also some regional styles.

  1. Nagara (in North India) is associated with the land between the Himalayas and Vindhyas.
  2. Dravida (in South India) is associated with the land between the Krishna and Kaveri rivers.
  3. Vesara style as an independent style was created as a hybrid of Nagara and Dravida styles. It is associated with the land between the Vindhyas and the river Krishna

© K. V. Ramakrishna Rao


THC, Ndigudem, Enadu cutting

[1] Indian Express, 150-year-old fort at Telangana’s Nadigudi springs back to life as research centre, Published: 19th January 2020 09:22 AM | Last Updated: 19th January 2020 09:22 AM

[2] Namaste Telangana, Racial [linguistic pride] existence requires history, Sun, January 19, 2020 02:00 AM


[4] Andhrabhoomi, The source of racial instability is history, Published Sunday, 19 January 2020


[6] SWAMIJI’S MESSAGE- 1. Respect parents, call them as mother and father buy not mummy and daddy. 2. Serve go-mata. 3. Serve bharatmata. 4. Serve gayatrimata i.e temples.

[7] TelanganaToday, Suryapet: DACRI centre set up in Nadigudem gadi, | Published: 19th Jan 2020 12:31 am.



[10] Enadu-Suryapeta, History should reach common people, January.21, 2020.

[11] His full paper has been printed in the Souvenir of the Telangana History Congress, th Annual Conference 2020, pp.9-23.

The Fifth Telangana History Congress held at Nadigudem, Suryapet, Telangana on January 19th and 20th 2020! [1]

The Fifth Telangana History Congress held at Nadigudem, Suryapet, Telangana on January 19th and 20th 2020! [1]

Ayyappa baktas of Andhra-Telangana

The Ayyappa groups have been developed manifold in Andhra-Telangana and lakhs of devotees going and coming back through Tamilnadu

From Chennai to Nadigudem: After attending IHC at Kannur and APHC at Kurnool, then, I had to go to Nadigudem to attend THC session, as I had planned, papers prepared and tickets booked. The Fourth / Fifth Telangana History Congress [తెలంగాణ చరిత్ర కాంగ్రెస్] was held at Nadigudem, Suryapeta Mandal, Telangana. As I always book tickets, make confirmation about accommodation, after sending my paper, I used to proceed to attend any conference / seminar. This time also I did the same, as usual, to attend the Telangana conference held at Nadigudem, Suryapet. However, I did not receive any response from them. I sent a letter requesting for a room and the paper by e-mail and by post. Earlier, I rang up for the Local secretary, “9490663333” dozen times, there was no response. When I reminded again by e-mail on 13-01-2020, I received a mail from Veerender Mallam, “Thank you for showing interest in THC and also presenting s paper. As mentioned by you, when you reach Munagala or before reaching please contact us so that we can arrange somebody to receive you. My phone number is 9440747957. Best, Veerender Mallam.” Actually, I have been a life member of THC and attending the previous sessions held at Warangal and Hyderabad presenting papers. As I planned, I started from Chennai to Khammam by train. Here, I had to record the experience I had in the train with the Ayyappa baktas. When the Korba express came to central, the reserved compartments were full of Ayyappa baktas in hundreds. They were virtually blocking incoming passengers entering inside. They were occupying all seats without any order. After reaching the reserved berth also, they again swarmed us in dozens sitting and laying down o the floor without leaving any space. If at all, we had to go to the bathroom, we had to rummage and lurch through them, touching their bodies. Of course, they did not mind! I could not have proper sleep. At Vijayawada only, they had disappeared! Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

Location of palace, gadi, fort google

Location of the venue, where the THC session was held

From Khammam to Godada to Munagala to Nadigudem: The train reached Khammam on 17-01-2020 by 8.00 am. Instead of Munagala, I was asked to go to Godada, as there was no bus from Khammam there to Muagala and also suggested by the organizers. So I caught a bus to reach Godada. After reaching Godada, I had to catch another bus to Munagala. Then, I had to get down at the police station stage, as there were four stages, as suggested by the organizers. When I got down there at “Police station” stage, I saw Dr Jai Kishan, whom I met earlier several times in different conferences. Last time, I met him at the “Iron in India” seminar held at the Dravidian University, Kuppam. He took me in his car going through paddy fields. At last, we reached the venue – Kalaprapurna Nayani Venkata Rangarao Bhawanam.” I recollected about the building, the deserted building complex known as “Munagala gadi, fort, palace,” and so on, as I saw two videos on the internet. It was almost a deserted building complex, known as “Munagala gadi,” as described in the video[1].

Nadigudem 2020-old photo-1

Nadigudem gada, fort, or  palace as looked before renovation

Nadigudem 2020-old photo-6

Wood has been used extensively for long life and aesthetic value with carved designs for supporting pillars, hand-rails, steps, rafter etc

The Nadigudem gadi: From the court cases[2], we can get a lot of information about the owners of the building / gadi / fort complex. Munagala Province was in longer existence than the other Samasthanams of Nizam State. It came into being as a part of the army officers who had displayed valour in the battlefield were given Estates as gifts. Munagala was one of them. The Munagala Zamindar existed as a subordinate to the Kakatiya rulers between 1262 and 1323; in 1300 it was under the rule of Cheruku Jagadadu Marayya Ganapathi. Reddy. From 1306 onwards Cheruku Jagadadu Annayya Reddy inherited the rule, according to Tadavai inscription. As per the historical evidence available, the region enjoyed provincial status during the reign of Rachakonda, Devara konda Velama Rayalu and Golkonda kings. At the time of Aurangazeb, it passed into the hands of Moghuls. The District of Kistna in which Munagala is situated forms part of the Northern Circars, which was at first under the Hindu Rajas, and then formed part of the Kingdom of Golconda which was conquered by Aurungazebe at the close of the seventeenth century.

Nadigudem 2020-old photo-2

The view from the top – the main building of the palace, horse stables can be seen. In other way, it was built in that way for observation.

From the French to the British to independence[3]: Subsequently, the Circars were included in the Subbah of the Deccan and were governed by the Nizam until the middle of the eighteenth century, when they passed for a time into the hands of the French. Then after Col. Forde’s successful operations, Lord Clive obtained a Sannad from the Imperial Court at Delhi assigning them to the East India Company. There is no reason to doubt that at the time the District or Pergunah of Munagala was in the possession of the last survivor of a very ancient Reddi family who held it as deshmuk or Chauduri under the ruling power. In 1759 AD Munagala was given to the East India Company. In 1802, East India Company adopted the method of “Permanent Settlement “ permanent “Sanad” was issued in the name of Keesara Vekata Narasimha Rao. From 1766 the proprietary right of the Zamindar of Munagala does not seem to have been questioned. From 1900 onwards, Raja Nayani venkata Ranga Rao was the ruler of the zamindari. there used to be 22 major villages including three Mukhasa Villages.There were a total of 17 hamlets for some major villages. Nayani lachamma‟s adopted son Ranga Rao was minor and the Estate passed into the Court of Wards. Venkata Ranga Rao ascended to the power in 1900 and continued ruling the Estate. The Zamindari System was abolished in 1948, thus bringing an end to Ranga Rao‟s regime. He died in 1958 and in 1959 the Province of Munagala was added to the Nalgonda District from Krishna District. Thus the History of Munagala Samsthanam crossed so many landmarks in the hands of Jamindar‟s and finally merged in Nalgonda Dist. of Andhra Pradesh. Now, it is in the Telangana State.

Nadigudem 2020-old photo-3

First floor where wooden chair can be seen.

From pre-independence date to independence and thereafter – reaching 2020: During 1925-1935, the Jamindar was reportedly occupied many fertile areas and exploited labour. He even prevented water flowing to other fields, but diverted to his lands. The issue had even gone to court. Now, it has been sprawling over 5.5 acres area with the two-storied buildings. Earlier a school was functioning in the buildings for about 10 years. Then, there was a proposal to establish a polytechnic, but, for some reasons, the idea was shelved and forgotten. Anyway, now, the heirs have leased the complex to the Deccan Archaeological and Cultural Research Institute (DACRI) and they have renovated to hold the THC in 2020.

Nadigudem 2020-old photo-4

The horse stables or prion, incidentally, one of these rooms was allotted to me without any current connection!

Nadigudem 2020-old photo-5

View of the Darbar hall / Diwan’s main building.

Nadigudem street-1

I went to nearby streets to observe the condition of the Nadigudem village. This is LHS of the view of the street, where the palace stands.

Nadigudem street-2

Going still further in the street….one depilated old house and another house, its entrance has been whitewashed recently, can be seen.

Nadigudem street-3 house painted.distant view

View of the same from other side

Nadigudem street-3 house painted

Closer view of the house recently whitewashed

Nadigudem street-4

the other side of the road

Nadigudem street-5

An old house can be seen..

The room allotted to me at Nadigudem without electricity connection: He dropped me at the venue and also showed a room, where I could stay. A cot, bed, pillow etc., were provided. He told that by evening, they would provide current connection and fan. There had been hundreds of workers working at different places within the Fort complex. Actually, it was one of the horse stables, also used to keep the prisoners inside. It had only one door and window at the top about 20 feet from the ground. I was sitting and going here and there to spend time watching them. I had gone through the nearby streets taking photographs. Still, there have been many old houses in the dilapidated conditions. With urgent and haste, they were rushing through the processing of whitewashing, painting, levelling, cleaning, pandal constructing and so on. The work continued even in the evening and there was no sign of giving electrical connection to the room allotted to me. Slowly, delegates started coming. They were so busy with other work. The organizers had also definitely avoiding the delegates. Actually, they could have informed through mail about the prevailing condition, but, they did not do.


Work going on - outer compound wall

The outer compound wall leading to the entrance of Raja gadi / Munagala gadi, the fort or palace of Nayani Rangarao.

Work going on - outer compound wall.entrance

The entrance of Raja gadi / Munagala gadi, the fort or palace of Nayani Rangarao, just going inside

Work going on - entrance to main building

The reception building leading to the main building. It has very big doors of 20 x 10 feet dimension!

Work going on - part of main building.backside

The reception building leading to the main building. It has very big doors of 20 x 10 feet dimension! The doors can be seen partially.

Work going on - Darbar, house of Jamindar

The Raja / Jamindar darbar hall, house getting facelift after renovation, here, not much difference noted, except whitewashing and painting.

Work going on - part of main building

Work going on, part of the entrance – reception building can be seen.

Work going on - the stage getting ready

The stage / podium in between the reception and main buildings has been getting final touch-ups, painting etc.

Work going on - toilet etc

Clearing and construction of toilets on LHS

Work going on - backyard

The backyard of the gadi

Work going on - backyard.corner

The backyard of the gadi – corner

Work going on - horse stables, prison.view from backside

The horse stables / prison, as viewed from the backside

Work going on - horse stables, prison

The horse stables / prison


Srinivasulu, Veerender, Ramakrishna sitting outside evening 17-01-2020

Srinivasulu, Raakrishna, Veerender and others could be seen, 17-01-2020 evening before moving out to Suryapeta.

Moving to Suyapet: Therefore, I was thinking to decide to move out. When I saw S/Sri Ramakrishna and Srinivasulu, I requested them that I would also join them, if they wanted to move out. After some time, they came to me to inform that we would go to Suryapet and take a room. So somehow, we reached the main road / national high way to catch a bus to reach Suryapet. There was demand in getting a room, as local elections were held the next day i.e, 19-01-2020. Somehow, we got a room at the Tirumala Grant and settled down. Then, only, I could sleep to some extent, because of the last night disturbances on the train.

THC 18-01-2020 getting ready

The first-day proceedings at Nadigudem on 19th Jan.2020: Got up by morning, got ready and started going to Barkargudem by bus. Actually, as I was not familiar with the names etc., I just had gone with Srinivasulu. We got down there at Barkatgudem junction. Fortunately, a car was returning from the main road and we could get dropped at the venue. Took breakfast and sat at the pandal. We got registered ourselves paying the delegate fees of s 500/- per head. Inside the bag, one souvenir, booklet of papers of the sectional presidents, pen and badge were there. The list of papers was missing. First, there was the inaugural function of the Deccan Archaeological and Cultural Research Institute (DACRI).

Registration done - Veerender and ..

Registration done here…

THC Invitation 19th program-1

The function was to start by 10 am, but, it started at 11.15 am. There was a lengthy list of VIPs,

SSS Jagadguru Vidyaranya Bharathi Swamili, Virupaksha Vidranya Mahasamasthanam, Hampi,

Sri Mandali Buddha Prasad, Former Dy speaker, Govt of AP,

Sri Chennuri Anjaneya Reddy[4] IPS, former Chairman, APTDC, Govt.of AP,

  1. Rajendra Prasad, General President
  2. P. Rao, sectional president – Ancient section
  3. Rekha Pande, Medieval section
  4. Deepak kumar, Modern section
  5. Jitendra Babu, Local history

Swamiji lit the lamp by striking a match to matchbox – after many years. I saw this, as usual, a candle is used to lit lamp. In fact, when Swamiji asked for a matchbox, they could not provide and then, a person came running towards him with a matchbox. Sivanagi Freddy was compeering with his highly wordy Telugu flow of words. Others followed to complete the wicks of the lamp as usual.

© K. V. Ramakrishna Rao


THC Invitation 19th program-2


THC 18-01-2020 getting ready.2

[1] V6 News Telugu, “Munagala Gadi”,

[2] Madras High Court, Raja Keesara Venkatappayya Alias … vs Raja Nayani Venkataranga Rao And … on 1 May, 1919, Equivalent citations: (1920) 38 MLJ 149, Author: Wallis, JUDGMENT Wallis, C.J.

[3] P. Lingaiah, The History of Munagala Samasthanam, International Journal of multidisciplinary Empirical Research, Vol.VI, Issue 1 (1), January, 2013, pp.134-141.

[4] He resigned, as he was not given the DGP posting before retirement.