Proceedings of the National seminar “Impact of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s Philosophy on Indian Literature” held at the Acharya Nagarjuna University on March 28th and 29th 2018 (2)

Proceedings of the National seminar “Impact of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s Philosophy on Indian Literature” held at the Acharya Nagarjuna University on March 28th and 29th 2018 (2)

ANU - Ambedkar seminar- hall entrance

Ambedkar seminar- hall entrance

28-03-2018 – the first day proceedings: Morning, got up by 4.00 am and looking for any delegate who had come for the seminar. I was informed that two more would join me in my room, particularly, one Partha Dey would arrive at any time, but, he did not turn up. Getting ready, I sat in the entrance as usual and then enquired about the members, if any, came for the seminar. I saw one “Sikamani” coming there by 9 am, and I thought, he could be from Tamil Nadu. He went away, responding to second floor. A vehicle came by 10.30 am to take to the venue, where the seminar was held – “Dr H. H. Deighmann[1] & Dr S. John David[2] Auditorium cum Seminar Hall.” Simultaneously, Engineering College students were also conducting their programme.

Seminar board kept at the entrance on LHS

Seminar board kept at the entrance on LHS

ANU - Ambedkar seminar- hall entrance.board-RHS.

Inviting the delegates – ANU – Ambedkar seminar- hall entrance.board-RHS.

ANU - Ambedkar seminar- hall AMG

ANU – Ambedkar seminar- hall AMG

ANU - Ambedkar seminar- registration

ANU – Ambedkar seminar- registration for the delegates

ANU - abstract - Invitation - Amb-seminar

Absract volume and invitation to the Seminar, many VIP-invitees did not turn up

Inauguration of the seminar: After registration, we were sitting the seminar hall, evidently some VIPS to come. By 11.44 am, the inaugural function started. One Katti Padma Rao [hereinafter mentioned as KPR] came and the function started. K. Sanjeeva Rao (also known as Sikamani), C. H. Swarupa Rani and N. Ravikumar were on the dias. University anthem was played and all stood up, but, not Katti Padma Rao. This made me to recall the controversy of “Sankaracharya,” when he did not stand up when “Tamiz-thai-vazthu” [Invocation song of Mother Tamil] was sung in a function at Chennai[3]. Ambedkar photo was garlanded and lamp lit. The “Abstract volume” was released. A book written by KPR was released by Sikamani. A magazine was also released by KPR and copy received by Sikamani.

ANU - Ambedkar seminar- inaugurated

Garlanding Ambedkar photo- inaugurating the seminar

ANU - Ambedkar seminar- KPR sitting during University anthem sung

KPR was sitting during University anthem sung

Ambedkar seminar, ANU, 2018- Swaruprani-inaugural

Swaruprani-inaugural function, explaining the background of the seminar

The purpose and background of the Seminar explained: 11.53 am: Swarupa Rani [Mahayana Buddhist Studies, ANU] explained the background of the seminar, “….as Sikamani, Ravikumar wanted to bring like-minded people together to discuss about the “impact of Amedkar philosophy on Indian literature.” ……Now, “Dalit literature” is produced in Maharastra, Tamilnadu, Kerala and other states and the driving force behind such literature has been Ambedkar……. S, Murali Mohan, Ravikumar sat together and decided to conduct the seminar, as there was no seminar conducted in this perspective. ……..Some important Dalit researchers, writers, poets and others would participate next day also”.

Ambedkar seminar, ANU, 2018- Ravikumar-inagural

Ravikumar explaining about the seminar proposal etc

12.05 HRS: N. Ravikumar explained in this way, “So far Communist philosopy of all sorts have been dominating the India Literature since 1930…Marx philosophy, Mao philosophy and ….others were dominating, but not Ambedkar philosophy….In fact, Ambedkar philosophy is considered as Indian philosophy…every aspect of Ambedkar has to be interpreted….”

Ambedkar seminar, ANU, 2018- Kathi Padma Rao-inaugural

Ambedkar seminar, ANU, 2018- Kathi Padma Rao-inaugural talking in his own way

The keynote address of Katti Padma Rao: 12.11 pm: KPR started talking in Telugu, “Buddha was a preacher, after Buddha Sankara, Madhwa and Ramanuja came, but they were adhyatmikawadis…….Ambedkar wondered why there was no philosophy in India…to discuss Indian philosophy, one has to discuss tarka, mimamsa, bhashya…Rigvedam that was in Sanskrit came from heaven, but taken by Brahmins….that is how Pani said…in this way it is taught….it is nonsense that peacocks were dancing at the Himalayas….[4]by the Brahmanical Dalit Group…but, that is not philosophy……Mother is guru, as she teaches child not only language but Brahmin could oppose Ambedkar’s philosophy..what is Purusha sukta, who would believe such nonsense..Vedas were written by Rishis born of men only..the “kumbasambava” stories are myth…when Ramba, Urvasi, Menaka were looked at and semen oozes out and that fell …by which babies were born…are stories…if that is the case, more babies could be produced…Krishna was having 16,000 ladies, if he was with each lady, how many days he would have taken? After 44 years only, he could come back to the first lady… Why Agni, Varuna etc., should be invoked to kill men?…..Ambedkar pointed out in his book “Who were Shudras?”….Ambedkar told Brahmins to learn English and rise and that is why they learned and went to America..I challenge if there is a great man other than Ambedkar, I will give Rs one crore……..I am a Christ Bakta[5], (sings a Christian song) …Ambedkar used to wear 20 dreess material, apply perfumes….he kept 80 sets of shoes / boots….Christians became clean by applying soaps long back…..but not Brahmins, as they were dirty with kumkum, turmeric, varieties of prasad and so on… Ambdedkar revised his theses three times to get PhD ….thus one has to work hard.

ANU - Ambedkar seminar- VIPs talk

First session of paper presentation, all in Telugu

ANU - Ambedkar seminar- VIPs talk.2

ANU – Ambedkar seminar- VIPs talk.

ANU - Ambedkar seminar- VIPs talk.audience-1

Ironically, the poor audience makes researchers worry about the academic proceedings

ANU - Ambedkar seminar- VIPs talk.3

ANU – Ambedkar seminar- VIPs talk.

ANU - Ambedkar seminar- VIPs talk.audience-2

Ironically, the poor audience makes researchers worry about the academic proceedings

1.53 pm: Vote of thanks. All had gone for lunch.

Ambedkar seminar, ANU, 2018- Narasimha-inagural

28-03-2018 – Paper reading session: 3.00 pm: After lunch, the session started with the talk of Gutur Lakshmi Narasimha, in which he pointed out speaking in Telugu,  “….about the prevalence of confusion to differentiate between “Marxism” and “Ambedkarism.” ….As most of the Ambedkarites have been either ex-communists or with Communist background, many times, they use such terminology and the users and as well as listeners and readers get confused…… The class struggle and caste struggle in the context of economic and political contexts confuse them. Marxists have been claiming that they have been only educating SCs, Ambedkarites and dalits…… All poor people need not be mala or Mathika caste, as whenever, dalits are targetted, only their houses are burnt, but, not that of others. Therefore, dalits have to understand their political enemies and social enemies…Ambedkarism mixing with Marxism also creates confusion..calling it as “vipulavadam.”…there have been problems between SCs and BCs also.

Ambedkar seminar, ANU, 2018- Sikamani-inaugural

Ambedkar seminar, ANU, 2018- Sikamani-inaugural

3.40 pm: Sikamami pointed out speaking in Telugu, “The impact of Gandhi has been more on the Harijans than that of  Ambedkar[6]…… “Ambedkar Suprapadam” has also been introduced to attract dalits[7]..  Ambedkarites should take Buddhism as the path to fight

4.20 pm: Sridevi from Dravidian University rendered in Telugu almost verbose oratory in Telugu repeating the points again and again.

5.10 pm: After tea break, G. Seshu presented his paper[8], “A study of the underprivileged: In the select Novels of Kaveri Nambisan.” She spoke in Telugu briefing the paper as to how the author being a doctor chose to work in remote areas and organized a few health oriented camps for the poor.

5.20 pm: Ankammayya Rao[9] presented his paper in Telugu on “The impact of Ambedkarite philosophy on Bharatiya tatvam”

5.20 pm: E. Harshavardhan presented his paper[10], “Text of protest, poems on context, lyrics of liberation and songs of pride: Dr Ambedkar and online virtual literature,” taking the examples of Pa. Ranjit (Tamil), Ginni Mahi (Punjabi), Somnath Waghmare (Marathi), Manj (Malayalam), Nukathoti Ravikumar, Challapalli Swaroopa Rani  (Telugu).

However, LN took objection that all literature or material mentioning or referring to Ambedkar cannot be taken as an evidence of “the impact of Ambedkar philosophy” on it.

5.50 pm: Joshua[11] presented his paper, “The vision of Dr B. R. Ambedkar reflected, reminded and recollected in my father Baliah,” pointed out how Y.B. Satyanarayanan in “My Father Baliah” reminded duties of a dalit, when Baliah migrated to city, he lost his “caste identity,” but, the moment, he returned village, he was treated as the caste he belonged. However, Baliah father lived in village and achieved his principles.

Guntur LN breifing the paper presentation, pointed out, “All attack on Varnashrama dharma and caste system cannot be considered as the effect of impact of Ambedkar philosophy….Ambedkarites should not and need not be confused with the communist exploitation of Ambedkar and Ambedkar philosophy. Ambedkarism is not Communism and the philosophy is different….As long as communism is useful, the Ambedkarites can use / exploit it for their benefit.” Incidentally, though he gave 5-10 minutes for paper presentation, he took nearly 30 minutes to comment and brief about the paper presentation.

After this, there was “Kavi sammelan” in which poems were rendered in Telugu annd songs were also sung.

© K. V. Ramakrishna Rao


ANU - Ambedkar seminar- my selfie not so good

ANU – Ambedkar seminar- my selfie not so good

[1] Dr. Deichmann is a shoe business entrepreneur of Germany, who with his generous organization Wort & Tat, has vastly widened the scope of AMG India [“Advancing the Ministries of the Gospel”] services to the poor and needy. Dr. Deichmann, born to devout Christian parents – Mr.Heinrich Deichmann and Mrs.Julia Deichmann — was brought up in Christian faith and discipline and was ingrained with Christian compassion and willingness, to help needy persons. He had the same vision as Bro. John David.

[2] Dr. S. John David,  Founder of “Advancing the Ministries of the Gospel,” an evangelization organization – AMG.

[3] On 23-01-2018, in a function held at Chennai , Kanchi Sankaracharya was seen sitting in “Dyana mood” while “Tamithai vazthu” was sung.

[4] Actually, he was ridiculing Meghadhuta verses. Here, Himalayas means not the “snow covered areas,” but, valley s also.  Even today, in Rishikesh and other places, anybody can see peacocks.

[5] He has been a Christian and he claims so with pride, as poet or expert in literature, he must have read Christian literature also and therefore, his sarcastic and blasphemous comment against one religion smacks his calibre. He also claimed that he was Christian, studied in Sunday schools and sang songs, thus, he could get influenced to write such songs.; His misinterpretation of Sri Venkateswara Suprapadam could be seen here:; His Christian association continues, as he was part of “The Christian Secular Party” –

[6] Garada, Rabindra. “Gandhism, Ambedkarism and Marxism: An Analytical Discourse For Dalit Liberation and Emancipation.” Global Journal of Human-Social Science Research (2015). He has made a comparison among the three different philosophies.

[7] This has been similar to the “inculturation” methods adapted and adopted by the Christians exploiting the popular Hindu symbols etc.

[8] See Abstarcts, p.14.

[9] See Abstarcts, p.12.

[10] See Abstarcts, p.8.

[11] See Abstarcts, p.27.

11 Responses

  1. The name “Katti Padma Rao” appears to be an evangelist and the way he talks proves that.

    I am a Christ Bakta[5], (sings a Christian song) …..shows that he has been a traimned fellow.

    As a believer of god, how can he question the belief of Hindus?

    In spite of his erudition, scholarship and all, if he cannot know how to respect the rights of others, he is a useless fellow in that aspect.

    • In the following video, he has accepted that in his childhood days, he attended “Sunday schools” and digested (studied and memorized) Bible like anything.

      I read “Parama gitas” and “Prasinga” etc., and was influenced thoroughly.

      After studying, I used to compose poems. My poetry has come from the Christian tradition and heritage..

      Therefore, there is nothing strange that he still professes Christian, but ;poses as Amedkarite, atheist and so on!

  2. Kidnap case against Chiranjeevi, Katti Padma Rao
    SEPTEMBER 07, 2008 00:00 IST
    UPDATED: OCTOBER 09, 2016 16:25 IST
    The Hindu, Staff Reporter

    HYDERABAD: The police registered a case on Saturday against actor turned politician Chiranjeevi, SC leader and poet Katti Padma Rao, following a complaint by a couple that their daughter Nalini was kidnapped and forcibly married to Ketan, son of the latter.

    The complainants, Tammina Subba Rao and his wife Maini accused Katti Padma Rao of conniving with the actor and alleged that Chiranjeevi’s fans had kidnapped their daughter from a working women’s hostel in Ameerpet on August 30. In their complaint, they alleged that Nalini was forcibly married to Ketan.

    “When we went to Rao’s house in Erramanzil Colony, he confined us in another house in the same locality for three days,” they told the police. They also alleged that a person who identified himself as C.N. Rao and that he was a DSP had even threatened them with dire consequences, if they insisted on knowing the whereabouts of Nalini.

    Inspector D. Pratap of SR Nagar station said the complainants, however, did not mention how they escaped from the confinement. under sections 366 (kidnapping to compel a woman for marriage), 344 (wrongful confinement) and 506 (criminal intimidation) of Indian Penal Code.

    SHRC seeks report

    Meanwhile, the complainants have also approached the State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) alleging that they were confined in the house of C.N. Rao, a DSP and that despite a complaint, no action was being taken. The SHRC called for a report from Panjagutta ACP on the episode.

    • We do not know as to Ambedkar advocated to kidnap girls and marry them by force.

      It is also intriguing to note why no legal action was taken against him, in spite of the complaints filed.

      Now, they accuse that the Supreme Court has diluted the SC-ST Act, but, reverse of the Act had taken place and who would study such acts.

  3. New political party launched in Hyderabad
    Times of India, Ch Sushil Rao | TNN | Updated: Feb 22, 2014, 16:33 IST

    HYDERABAD: Indian Christian Secular Party (ICSP), a national party to fight elections with Christian principles to get representation in state assemblies and the parliament was launched at a public meeting organised at Nizam college grounds here.

    One of the main demands of the party is that dalit Christians and Muslims should be given Scheduled Castes (SC) status.

    “We can achieve our demands only through political means. Otherwise, the legitimate demand for SC status for dalit Christians for 66 years has been brushed aside,” said the party’s national president M Uday Kumar addressing the public meeting.

    The party will fight the ensuing elections on the ‘trumpet’ symbol, which the election commission has allocated to it. Uday Kumar outlined the welfare measures the party would implement. “It has become inevitable to form the party as Christians need to get involved in the political decision making process. We have only been seen as a vote bank so far,” he said. He said even though amounts were allocated in the budgets not even five per cent was released for the welfare of Christian minorities.

    JD (U) Rajya Sabha member Ali Anwar Ansari who was the chief guest at the launch of the ICSP said the Ranganath Mishra commission recommendations were not implemented on the SC status issue for dalit Christians and Muslims. Even though agitations were taken up, the government did not respond to the demand, he said. “Social status does not change with religion,” he said.

    Recital of a Sanskrit sloka, lighting of candles, singing of Vandemataram and sounding of the trumpet (the elections symbol) marked the launching of the new political party for which a few thousand people attended from all over the state. The secretary-general of the party Paul Devapriyam Pulla, managing director of Aradana TV and former IPS officer G Alfred were among those who spoke. Mayor Mohd Majid Husain, former IAS officers B Danam, K R W Yesudas, and Sardar Joginder Singh, former GM of SCR Stanley Babu, actor Abel Raja, well-known dalit writer Prof Kancha Ilaiah, dalit leader Katti Padma Rao, BAMCEF (All India Backward and Minority Communities Employees Federation ) leader Waman Meshram, several bishops from both the protestant and catholic communities participated in the public meeting on Friday.

    The speakers referred to the attacks against churches and pastors and said only with political power, they could prevent such incidents. The flag of the new party, similar to that of the nation flag but with a dove carrying an olive twig with three leaves in the centre, was hoisted on the occasion.

    • This again proves his Christian affiliation only.

      Thus, the role of Christian NGOs helping them has been evident.

  4. Those like Kancha Ilaiah, Katti Padma Rao, Innaiah and Comrade Rama Krishna, the Supreme leader of PWG, are all rationalists, are born Hindus, and that is why they are enjoying the freedom to criticize aspects of Hinduism, including what Comrade Rama Krishna said,
    “unless Hinduism is wiped out, there will be no social justice”.

    Can any Muslim say that “unless Islam is wiped out, there will be
    no gender justice”?

    I remember he was preaching in Madras and lecturing to Christians. His book has been published by the Christian propagandist centre in Chennai:

    Rao, katti Padma. Charavaka Darshan: Ancient Indian Dalit Philosophy. Madras: Gurukul Lutheran Theological College & Research Institute, 1997.

    • The Christians always work together in the case of SCs.

      In spite of the Supreme Court judgment Soosai vs UOI, they have been indulged in converting SCs and fooling them in the case of reservation.

  5. Dr. Darla VenkateswaraRao, pointed out that,

    Most of the Dalit poets who used to condemn every ignoble deed of the upper castes in their poetry are now writing poetry from their own perspective in the post Dandora movement. The eminent Dalit poets like Katti Padma Rao and Shikhamani have not reflected in their poetry about the Dandora Movement which has been demanding the SC classification for the last one decade. Apathy of the Dalit poets who are not interested to highlight the internal differences among the Dalits smacks of discrimination towards the Madiga poetry.

    • These non-SC [Christian and high caste groups] under the guise of “Dalit” have been fooling and deceiving real SCs, who are Hindus only.

      That is why, they have been ultimately anti-Hindu in their speech,acts and movements.

  6. In Dravidian movement, we have seen many speakers like him, who used to rouse passion among the common people to run riot.

    Thus, he has been developed himself in Telugu parlance. In spite of his erudition,he has failed in his renderings, as he has been virulently anti-Hindu, ant-Brahmin, anti-Sanskrit and anti-India too.

    He has been simply misinterpreting Sanskrit verses memorized, just like Zakir Naik.

    While Zakir Naik has been explicit, he has been hiding behind Christian, dalit and philosophical masks, by being a fundamentalist and fanatic Christian.

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